Chapter Five

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We got into a coffee shop and I sat down, waiting for everyone to get done. Grover was getting coffees and Annabeth was getting Drachmas. Grover brings me mine and I sip it with a satisfied face, walking out beside him, holding his coffee for him as he uses his crutches. 

Annabeth looks at us from behind her, "It's too sweet, don't you think?" I smirk as Grover chuckles, "It's never too sweet." I snickered, "It tastes like Luke ca-" Grover screeched to cut me off, "So nasty! I don't wanna know!" I laugh as Annabeth giggles. 

I'm pulled out of the way as Grover is grabbed. "Get off of me!" Grover yells and I struggle against the person. Annabeth comes to help but is quickly thrown to the ground. The person lets me go and I turn to see Chris. "Chris?" I ask in concern. Chris smiles, "Luke says that he'll see you soon. Be safe camp Mom." 

All of us run to save Grover, but he was teleported away with Chris and his goons. "Was that Chris Rodriguez?" Annabeth asked Percy and he sighs, "Back at camp, Luke said that there were other half-bloods who turned." Annabeth takes a deep breath, "What do you mean turned?" 

Percy turns around, "To his side. Luke has Grover." We all head over to sit on some steps as Percy paces back and forth, "The Oracle was right. Luke is going after the fleece. That's why he needs a satyr." 

Annabeth sighs, "But what does Luke want with the fleece, anyway?" Percy shrugs, "I don't know. But if we're gonna get Grover back, we need to find Luke." Tyson sighs, "But we don't know where he is."  I quietly cheer and Annabeth sighs, "Leia, I'm sorry for being a bad friend. I know how much he means to you even if he's evil. I know someone who does know where his is. Come on." 

We grab our bags and follow Annabeth. We stop in front of a UPS store and I frown, "No way. I won't do it." Percy looks confused, "What, are we shipping ourselves overnight express to the Sea of Monsters?" Annabeth turns around, "You want to find Luke? His dad will know where he is." We all walk in and I groan, seeing who is standing at the counter.

I cross my arms and glare at Hermes as he talks to an older lady. Annabeth cuts in, "Excuse me, we're looking for Hermes." I glare at her, "And he's busy with a customer. Wait your turn." Hermes looks at her, "I'm sorry to be the god of obviousness, but she's right. I'm with a customer." Annabeth sighs as Hermes finishes with his customer. The lady gives Annabeth a glare and goes to walk outside. 

I open the door for her and give her a smile, "Have a good rest of your day, ma'am." The lady smiles and pinches my cheek, "Such a polite and beautiful half-blood. I just wish your friends were that way." 

I close the door and stand behind the trio, still glaring at Hermes. Now, you're here about Hermes," He said. Annabeth nods, "His son actually. It's kinda important." Hermes waves her off, "Yeah. Yeah. I could tell the way you burst in here all rude-like." I roll my eyes, "It's Luke Castellan. My fiance and your son." 

Hermes stiffens up as the others look at me in confusion. "Oh, what has that wayward boy of mine gotten himself into now?" Hermes said. "Wait, you're?" Annabeth tilted her head in confusion. Hermes turned around, "Hermes. Little insulted you didn't recognize me. I'm sorry Miley that you are still angry at me." 

I nodded, "Well I would be on my way to fucking your son into oblivion and having his children if you hadn't made him so angry, but hey. What can you do?" Percy interrupted my rant, "Sir, we're looking for Luke because he attacked Camp Half-blood and he kidnapped our friend." Annabeth finished, "And we really need your help and we don't have a lot of time." 

Hermes smiled and pointed between Percy and Annabeth, "That's really cute, how you finish each other's sentences. Aphrodite said that Luke and Miley did the same thing. Follow." Hermes walked through a set of doors and magically changed into a suit.

We followed Hermes and I ignored everything he said, partly because I was still angry at him but at other parts...He's an egotistical son of a bitch. I zone back in to see Hermes' staff talking. "Demi-google Luke for me, these kids are looking for him," Hermes told them. The female snake looked at us, "Why?" The male snake snickered, "Do they have a death wish?" 

I glared, "He's my fiance and do it before I turn you both into a pair of high heels." Hermes gulped and someone quickly took the staff from him before I got angrier. We followed Hermes as he walked away. "Luke. I don't know what to do about him. I mean, I've tried reaching out, but the kid's angry, he's resentful." I rolled my eyes, "Because it was too late to do so when he turned down the path he did."

Hermes flinched and turned around, "Hey! Miley, Luke had me get something years ago for when he proposed to you. If you follow an employee, he'll take you to it." I glared at him, failing to subtly send me away, but I did as he asked since he is a god and should be respected, no matter how much wrong he's done. 

I followed the employee and he shakily handed me three boxes, then ran away. I opened it and smiled, seeing a gold heart-shaped locket. I opened one up and there were pictures of Luke and me together. I ran my fingers over his face, missing that smile he had years ago. 

I opened the second one to find a set of keys and a note. 'Miley, my love. These are the keys to the house I bought for us. It is located in Bayside, New York, and is a four-bed and four-bath home. Beautiful and all ours. I can't wait to have the family we've been dreaming of.'

The last box held a note on the top, 'Miley. I know that you never heard from your mother before she died, but I didn't mention to you that I went to see her to get her permission to marry you. She cried tears of joy to hear that her baby was getting married. She knew that you might not forgive her, but she gave me a wedding gift. It is under this note. She says that she knitted it for our future child.' I looked in the box and covered my mouth with tears in my eyes, seeing a beautiful baby blanket and a onesie that was knitted with a hood. The onesie was supposed to mimic a shark. My favorite sea creature." 

I laughed through my tears and placed everything safely in my backpack while clipping the necklace around my neck. Annabeth, Percy, and Tyson come walking out and Annabeth smiles, "Was it all cute things?" I smiled, "Yep. Something from my mother. He bought a house for us in Bayside and this locket that has our photos." 

Percy smiles, "He's on a yacht called the Andromeda. It's passing by Chesapeake Beach right now. We can catch up to it as soon as we get to the water and hopefully dad can help." I smiled and ran out the door, with the trio right behind me. 

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