Chapter Nine

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"We got swallowed up just like you. Miles missed the whole thing because she was unconscious, I accidentally knocked her out when I was summoning waves so we could get off Luke's yacht. Nice ship," Percy said as we followed Clarisse. 

Clarisse nodded, "Yeah, Our dad's got tons of this stuff left over from wars throughout history. It was either this or a Huey from Vietnam. I figured a boat would be more practical. If Miley came with me I bet we could have gotten better." I chuckled and rolled my eyes, "I'm not the favorite." 

We yelped and held on to anything we could when the boat moved. Percy steadied himself, "What's going on?" Clarisse rolled her eyes, "Pretty much exactly what you think goes on inside of a stomach." We all look and pale, Percy looks at Annabeth, "You're right. That really is the worst way to die." 

I sneak up behind Tyson and poke him in the side, "BOO!" Tyson screams and Clarisse giggles, "Yeah. You'll get used to that. Mi, did you ever get to scare Luke?" I pouted, "He always knew no matter what. It's unfair." 

"Reardon! What in Hades is going on with my engine? Is it ready yet?" Clarisse yells out. An undead soldier came limping over, "Almost, ma'am. They're working on it." Annabeth looked surprised, "Wait, you're crew are zombies?" 

All the undead soldiers looked at us and were offended. "Well, they prefer 'dead Confederate sailors whose lives have been given in tribute to Ares'." Reardon added, "But 'zombies' is fine. Hello Ms. Aetos! How are you?" I giggle and hug him, "I'm good Reardon, how are you?" 

Reardon chuckled and hugged me back, "I'm good as ever, so you're dad says hi and that he hopes that Luke is going to make him a grandfather." I blushed and covered my face and Annabeth giggled, "So that's why the yacht was rocking so much." Clarisse grinned, "Yeah, you're not the favorite at all."

Tyson and Percy gag and Tyson shook his head, "So gross." Percy nods, "I agree." Clarisse squeals, "I'm going to be an aunt?!" I smiled, "Hopefully." 

The chain to the anchor snapped and we jolted around, heading down the stomach of Charybdis. "Reardon! Gun! Faster! Now!" Clary yelled out. "Gun is hot, Cap'n. Locked and Loaded," Reardon hobbled over. Clarisse pointed, "Aim it at that meat grinder! Someone take my sister below deck! Luke might be evil, but I'm not dying if he finds out she was hurt!" 

"What?! I'm not leaving you guys up here!" I yelled at her. "Reardon!" Clary walked away from me. Reardon sighs and picks me up, "Sorry, Ms. Aetos. Cap'n's orders." He took me downstairs and locked me in a room, leaving me to bang on the door. 

-15 Minutes Later-

I stand in front of the door, tapping my foot in irritation. The door opens to show a sheepish Clarisse, "Hello, sissy. How was the trip? I promise that we only forgot about you for a little bit." I giggled and my irritation left, "You're too cute to be mad at, where are we?" Clarisse hugs me, "Circeland as Tyson called it. We're going to shore to get the Fleece." 

We stepped off the boat and walked through the abandoned amusement park. " Well, I guess the Cyclops was bad for business," Clarisse said as we looked around. I snort, "Who knew?" Clarisse sighs, "We don't have time to search this whole place." 

Percy stops and I stand beside him, looking at a ride called 'Plummet of Death' with a big ass hole in the entrance, Percy looks at me, "You know what? I don't think we have to." 

Annabeth sighs, "Plummet of Death? Well, that's subtle." I nod, "It looks like something really big went through there." Clarisse grins, "I don't know. It doesn't really scream 'Cyclops' to me." A loud and angry yell sounded out from the ride and I look at Clarisse, "It does scream Cyclops." 

Tyson snorts, "One point for the non-dad." Clarisse snickers, "That was such a bad joke." Tyson looked at me, "At least there's no line." I cackle and follow Clarisse, "That was so bad." 

We all get on the ride car, there was only four seats so I sat on Clarisse's lap, she wouldn't allow me to sit on Tyson's. We rode down slowly and Percy and Annabeth started singing 'It's a Small World", irritating Clary and myself. "Can you two shut the fuck up?" Percy stopped, "Sorry mom." 

Clary giggled, "Still the camp mom. You came with them so they didn't die huh? You only go on quests to do this." I nodded, "It's my job." The ride stopped as quickly as it started and Tyson sighs, "I thought that would be more fun." 

"I think I get what Grover was so worried about," Annabeth said as we looked around. Clarisse looked at me, "You stay outside. I don't want you in there." I groaned but complied, not really wanting to get eaten, "Go get the Fleece and save Grover." 

They all smiled and walked in quietly.

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