Chapter Eleven

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We watch Kronos form into his being and Luke grins, "He rises. Luke kisses me hard and walks over to Kronos' feet, "Master. I brought you back! My lord. It's Luke. Luke Castellan. You're great-grandson." Kronos reaches down to grab Luke, "My favorite."

I watch in horror as Kronos takes Luke to his mouth and eat him. I scream bloody murder, "Luke!" I sob as I try to run forward, but was stopped by Clarisse and Grover. "No! No! NO!" I sobbed out, struggling against them. Everyone gasps in horror and starts running away to avoid being eaten. Annabeth runs over to me, "Stop struggling!" I looked at her, "NO! I want Luke back!"

Clarisse and Annabeth dragged me over to a 'safe' place and held me there as we watched Kronos eat Grover and other demigods that he could catch. "Grover!" Clarisse yells out. We watch as Percy slashes Kronos and some of his form goes back into the chest. 

We watch in horror as Percy sits in the palm of his grandfather. Annabeth screams as Percy was crushed in his palm. I looked in confusion as Percy is somehow still alive and breathing, then Percy drags his sword into Kronos' chest, sending him back into the chest, hopefully forever. 

I watch as Grover falls to the ground and I smile, knowing that Luke is somewhere. I see Luke's figure start heading to a tent that covered the cave of Polyphemus and I paled sprinting over there and ignoring Clarisse's calls for me. 

I lunge for Luke's hand as he goes through the tent and hangs into the cave. "Luke!" I cry out, holding him tightly. Luke panics and looks down, seeing Polyphemus. "Half-blood! Get down here! You're just in time for dinner!" I start losing grip on his hand and hold out my other one, "Luke, please! Grab my other hand!" 

Luke tears up, "I don't deserve you, Miley. Let me go. I ignored your warnings. I ignored you, thinking that I needed to do this for you. I'm sorry that I did this! You have to let me go! I have to face my punishment" I sobbed and stared at him in the eyes, "I can never understand the hatred you have for Hermes. You must have a little hate for me because of my relationship with my father, but you have to understand why I'm doing this for you! I don't need the world. I don't need the end of our parents. I need you. I need the future family we always talked about." 

Luke smiled and grabbed my other hand, "I don't have any hate for you. Miley, you were right. This won't get me anywhere. I'm sorry and I'll take any punishment from the Gods. But please, take me back and I'll let go of the anger toward Hermes." I laughed and started pulling him up, "I'll never let you go. You're stuck with me. Remember the prophecy?"

Luke and I said at the same time once he was on the ground and not dangling for the Cyclops to have, "The Olympus defender will tremble. The princess of war will wed the prince of messengers. The wedding of the century will mark the end of darkness. A time of prosperity will flourish." Luke sighed, "I ruined everything. Everyone at camp hates me, the gods hate me. Why don't you hate me?" 

I smiled and cupped his cheek, "I love you and people do crazy things when they're in love. Luke, I dated you for five and been engaged to you for three. That's eight bloody years that we have been together. If I can't keep up with you now, how else will we love each other when we are old and gray?" 

We walk over to where Percy and the others were, already knowing what the reaction is going to be. "You son of a crazy bitch!" Clarisse yells, charging Luke. I step in front and Judo flipped her, protecting my fiance, "Try that again sister and you'll be gutted like a fish."

Clarisse sighs, "Miley-" I cut her off, "It's over. Luke will more than likely be summoned to Olympus for his punishment and I will go with him. I will negotiate everything. We will have the life we talked about. I don't care what you say." 

Everyone looked at Luke warily and he sighed, "I know. I know. I'm a royal idiotic son of a bitch who didn't listen to camp mom and almost died." Grover chuckled, "That sums up everything! Let's go home guys." 

Everyone walked off, but Percy stayed behind with us, "Luke, man. I can't forgive you now, it will take some time, but-" Luke cut him off, "I know. I was blinded by everything. I listened to Miley at the last moment and I regret it. I'm taking whatever punishment the gods give me. As long as I can be happy with the woman I love." Luke smiled and kissed my nose, making me giggle.

Percy smiled at both of us, "As long as you don't try that shit again, Castellan!" He walked off with us behind him and Luke looked at me with love in his eyes, "I've never seen more clearly. I can assure you, the moment that I do that again, is the moment I lose Miley forever." 

Percy chuckles, "Why do I see Miley dying and then you storming Olympus?" I cackle, "Because I would do it if he died." Luke smiled and kissed my lips, "That's my girl." 

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