Chapter Ten

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I stood outside, hearing all the yelling from Polyphemus, but not really going in to look. I got bored so I started breakdancing, up until I heard someone chuckle behind me. I squealed and turned around to see Luke. "Lukas!" I smiled and ran over to him. "Thank god you're okay. I was furious when Jackson took you away." 

I kissed his jaw and giggled when he tightened his arms around me. "Turn around. I want to have a moment with my future wife," Luke glared at his henchmen and they turned around to give us privacy. 

Luke kissed me deeply and bit my lip, causing me to moan. "Hey, none of that. Don't start anything that we can't finish now." Luke said smiling and cupping my cheek. I giggled and then turned to the cave entrance to hear, "You deceitful little brats. I'll tear off your flesh!" 

Luke raised an eyebrow, "They left you out here?" I sighed, "Clarisse wouldn't let me go in." Luke smiled, "I'll have to thank her for that." We stood there watching as everyone came running out of the cave, looking back to see the last time anyone would see Polyphemus. 

"We rocked that quest," Percy said panting. Clarisse smiled, "Yeah, we totally did. I didn't know you guys had it in you." 

Luke grinned and wrapped an arm around my waist as we all watched the group, "Yes. Well done. It's nice work. I really appreciate it. I'll take that." Luke said gesturing to the fleece. Percy shakes his head, "I don't think so. Miley, come here."

Luke grits his teeth, "Mrs. Castellan isn't going anywhere. But, suit yourself." An archer shot an arrow at Percy (Luke would have done it, but he probably wasn't going to let go of me) only for Tyson to jump in front of him. 

I watched in horror as Tyson stood on the edge of the ledge and looked at Percy, "You'd do it for me." I watched in tears as Percy lunges to grab Tyson before he fell, "No!" Percy was too late in grabbing him and we all watched as Tyson landed in the water below. 

Luke walks over with his hand still around my waist and grabs the fleece, "Just remember. It didn't have to end this way. This one's on you." I looked down as Annabeth glares at him with tears running down her face, "You're right! So just let this go and have your life with Miley!" Luke ignores her and we all walk to the surface. Percy, Annabeth, Grover, and Clarisse were all tied up to watch the event and not interfere. 

I stood off to the side a little ways from the platform and watched them take the tarp off the chest. Luke walked over to the tied-up group, "You should consider yourselves lucky. This has been millennia in the making. And you all get to see it." 

Annabeth yelled out to him, "You used to be one of us." Luke scoffed, "And then I woke up."

Luke walked back and kissed my forehead, "Well, my love, you'll have everything you ever wanted." I sniffled, "All I want is you, please Luke. Consider this one last time." Luke sighed, "I know, it's hard to understand. But it will all make sense, soon." 

Luke walked up to the platform and grabbed the fleece, holding it out over the chest, "Lord Kronos, he who was betrayed by his sons, hear now the words of one betrayed by his father. I bid you, rise." Luke set the fleece on the chest and I cry, knowing that it's too late and the world will perish if nothing is done.

I look behind me to see Percy and everyone free, fighting the others. I stand there watching as Percy makes it to the platform, fighting Luke. I'm standing still, I don't know what to do anymore. Help the one I love, knowing what's wrong or betray him and help the ones on the right side. Or stand here and pick no side. That seems like a good option. 

I panic as Luke starts to choke Percy, about to go and help him, only to stop when Tyson throws Luke away from him. "Luke!" I run over to him as he slams on the ground, "Are you okay?" Luke grunts, "I am now, seeing an angel helping me." I giggle at his lovestruck look and kiss his lips, "Always the flirt." Luke kissed me, "I'm happy you didn't join in the fighting. I don't want my potential mommy to get hurt." I blush hard and avoid his eyes, "Flirt." 

"How the fuck is he alive?" Luke asked me as we stare at Tyson. I shrugged, "I can only guess because he's the son of Poseidon?" We watch as the chest glows brighter and then blasts everyone near it.

Luke grins and hugs me tightly, "Finally." I frown and cup his cheeks, "Luke, please. One last chance." 

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