Chapter Six

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We run to the dock and stop, seeing the yacht out in the distance. I smile, jumping up and down, ready to see Luke. 

I watch Tyson reached into the water to talk to his father and I smile seeing a Hippocampus and Annabeth squeals in excitement, "Mom! Mom! Look! It's a hippocampus!" Percy looks at me, "Won't the gods get mad if their kids refer to you as their mom?" I shrugged, "Maybe. I didn't tell them to do it. I'm just motherly." 

We climb down to the lower dock and admire the sea creature. "Hi, girl." Tyson greets her- er him. The hippocampus blows water into Tyson's face in offense as he gets the creature's gender wrong and I giggle, causing Tyson to blush in embarrassment, "Boy?" 

Tyson tried to pet the hippocampus and the creature huffed, ignoring him to come over to me. I giggled as the hippocampus nuzzled into my neck and I missed Tyson's soft gaze looking at me. Annabeth nudges him and they both get on the sea creature.

"All I've been doing is asking," Percy sighed as I laughed and got on the hippocampus, watching the hippocampus cuddle into Percy. Tyson sat behind me as Percy sat behind Annabeth, who sat behind Tyson. 

Tyson wrapped his arms around my waist to hold on and I looked behind me with a smirk, "Are you ready?" Percy gulped, "This isn't good. Are we sure that Miley should be in the front?" I cackle, "Come on boy! Let's make some waves!" The hippocampus neighs and takes off quickly. 

I can hear everyone laughing as we head to the yacht. 

We quietly get on the back deck of the yacht and I pet the hippocampus and whisper, "Thank you, friend. Please tell Poseidon thank you as well. Be safe."  The hippocampus nods and swims off.

We head inside the yacht and crouch down as Ethan Nakamura and Silena Beauregard walk by with Chris. I sigh quietly, hating myself for not seeing how angry they all were. Tyson shimmied by making noise and we all shh him.

"This is a nice boat," Tyson said looking around and Annabeth sighed, "How are we gonna find Grover?" I smiled and looked at a picture on the wall, "This was the boat that I bought Luke for his birthday. He still has the photo." Annabeth smiles, "You two are so cute." 

Tyson mutters, "He's an evil maniac." I smiled sadly at Tyson, "I know and I'm sorry I can't get over him, Tyson. But you will always be my friend." Tyson smiled and hugged me close, "That's all I need." 

"Luke's probably keeping him below deck," Percy whispered, "Somewhere, like a brig." Annabeth snorted, "I don't think yachts have brigs, Percy." I snorted, knowing we had one, due to Luke's various........fantasies. 

Percy looked around, "Follow me." Percy tiptoed off and we followed him up the stairs. We stayed on the steps as Percy looked out and Tyson and I played rock, paper, scissors, only to look over to see another monster and we both look at each other in a panic. 

I started smacking Annabeth's leg, causing her to look down and she also panicked, "So time to go." She started smacking Percy's leg and we ran off to the outside of the yacht, running along the edge. "Tyson, do you have to make so much noise?" Annabeth whispered to him. I grumbled, "Ty, what on earth did you bring?!" 

Tyson kept running, "Sorry!" We ran to the nose of the boat and were stopped by the Manticore. I was in the back of the pack and as we turned around, I saw all the demigods that Luke recruited. "Chris," Percy looked at him with a disappointed look. Chris smiled, "Hey. Welcome back to your yacht, Miley. We've missed you." 

I smiled, "I've missed you guys too. I wish under better circumstances." Percy snarls, "Where's Grover?" Chris chuckles, "Grover? Grover's the least of your worries." 

We were all taken back downstairs and Chris set me behind him and whispered, "I wanna give Luke a surprise." I nodded and stayed behind him, excited to scare Luke...finally. "Look who's here," Chris calls out as they shoved the trio to stand in front of Luke. 

I heard that Luke was playing my favorite classical music and then he turned it off to talk to the trio. "Well, what a surprise." Luke grinned as he looked at Percy, Annabeth, and Tyson. I saw what outfit Luke was wearing and I just stared at him. He looks so hot in that black long-sleeved shirt and black pants with dress shoes. 

"If it isn't my two favorite cousins," Luke said grinning. Tyson scoffed, "Three. I'm a son of Poseidon too. Also if you're cousins wouldn't that make Miley your cousin too?" Luke tightened his jaw and darkly smiled, "It's not as weird as it seems. You have no right to question my relationship with my fiance. Also, that's pretty funny, cause Poseidon doesn't have any other half-blood sons."

I jumped out from behind Chris, "Boo!" Luke laughed and brought me in a hug, "Still can't scare me, my love." I pouted and kissed his neck and whispered, "You look so hot. I missed you." Luke tightened his arms around me and kissed my head, "I missed you too love. We will have time in a minute." Tyson looked at Luke, "I'm a Cyclops." 

Luke looks at Tyson strangely and Tyson shrugs, "Mist." Tyson smiles at me softly and Luke notices, tightening his arms around me even tighter, "You don't say." Luke looks at Annabeth as he sways us back and forth, "It's been a long time, Annie. I hope everything has been okay." 

Annabeth glares at Luke, "You've left camp mom alone for three years and you expect Miley to just fall back into your arms?" I sigh and look at the floor, "Annabeth-" Annabeth scoffs and looks away. Percy sighs, "Where is Grover?"

Luke rolls his eyes and kisses my temple, "Grover? Grover? Ah, yes, Grover. Right, the satyr. Well, he should be in the Sea of Monsters right about now. I set him on ahead with some friends. We're kind of on a clock." Percy looks confused, "Wait, wait, you're not- you're not just trying to stop us from getting the Fleece. You're trying to use-" 

Luke glares at Percy, "I need it, too. I got something that only the Fleece can revive. And it's not a tree. I promised to give Miley the life she deserved and I will fulfill that promise. Wanna see it?" Luke uncovered a big chest and I tilted my head confused. 

"It wasn't easy to find. I had to crawl through the depths of Tartarus itself. And then Cleveland. The remains of Kronos. The original Titan, father to the Olympians, and with the fleece's help, destroyer of Olympus," Luke explained and I paled. "Luke, please. It doesn't have to be like this," I begged him. 

"You'd destroy the whole world just to what, to get back at your dad? What about Miley's option!? Ignore him! Have your family!" Luke turned around quickly, "The Olympians overthrew their parents. It's just our turn. Miley deserves everything and I will make sure she gets it." 

Percy stepped forward, "We met your father. He said that he knows that he made mistakes. He gave Miley all the gifts that you got for her and had him hold onto them. He told us to tell you to not be so angry. To live the life that you and Miley planned." 

Luke walked over to me and cuddled me close, glaring at the trio, "Really? And he couldn't even tell me himself? Does that sound familiar? Take them to the brig. I have some catching up to do with my fiance." Luke smiled down at me and kissed my nose. Chris and the others started taking the others to the brig and Annabeth struggled against the demigod holding her.

"Thalia was your friend! She sacrificed herself for you!" Annabeth yelled at Luke. "And Miley, you just fall back into his arms, just like that!? He left you, he is trying to destroy all of us!" Luke snarled, "You're gonna make my fiance feel bad about herself and lecture me about Thalia when you're hanging around him?"

Tyson looked at me," I'll save you, Miley." Luke growled, "She doesn't need to be saved! I won't let her go off with someone like you. I won't lose another person I care about to your kind! Annabeth, you disappoint me most." 

Chris, Silena, and Ethan take the trio down the brig.

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