1. First Meet

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*JK PoV*

"You sure you'll be fine there?" Taehyung turned his head towards me. I silently nodded and fixed my hat. We were at a concert tonight but we could not find seats together. He was sitting with the hyungs while i had to take the backseat. We were still sitting close though.

The pre-concert playlist was playing right now and we were waiting for the concert to start. People were rapidly filling up the seats. I was sitting completely alone right now. But I'm sure there will be a crowd next to me soon.

I talked to my hyungs for a while and loaded some lyrics in my songs so that i could vibe later. Soon, a man sat beside me. He looked a little older than me. I turned my attention towards my phone again. A few minutes later, two girls came towards me and sat beside me. I immediately blushed, however i was wearing a mask so no one noticed.

I was hoping that I'd be seated beside a man. Most of the time i feel uncomfortable around women. The girl sat next to me while giggling with her friend. She paid no attention to me. Maybe she didn't recognise me or maybe she simply didn't know about BTS. I sighed and turned my attention towards my phone again.

I tried not to listen to their conversation and focused on myself. But i couldn't help but overhear what her friend said, "YN, you see the man beside you? The one in black!"

I could feel her head turn towards me. I didn't dare move my head. She looked at her friend again and whispered, "What?"

"He's Jungkook! From BTS! Your b-"

"Shut up! Stop being rude. He's human too and it's totally normal if he wants to be here. Stop paying too much attention at him." I heard her whisper angrily.

I internally smiled hard. This girl was not like them. She had some respect for me. I like that. I zoned out again and stopped hearing their words. I somehow had a feeling that i will be able to enjoy the concert with that girl beside me. Atleast for one day, I'll be treated like a normal human being.

Some time later, the concert finally started. All was forgotten when the songs blared loud through the speakers. Harry was amazing. He sang loud and clear and we all vibed hard to him. Taehyung turned towards me occasionally to check on me. He knew i get uncomfortable around strangers. But i was totally fine.

The song "Matilda" was playing when the hype died down a bit. Most people were sitting down again and simply enjoyed his vocals. We were still standing, though. Then i heard the friend again, "Heyy YN!! Pls talk to him! This is like a lifetime opportunity. You won't get seated next to that kind of meal everyday."

That kind of meal, wow. I mean i get I'm hot. But whatever.

The girl spoke up again, "Okay fuck it! Don't talk to him. Atleast switch seats, then? Let me sit next to him pls."

Is this woman even aware that i can listen to every word clearly? Or is she just dumb? Or maybe she simply doesn't care how I'd feel.

The girl next to me spoke again, "Sara, stop your shit please. He's not a meal. I mean, he is. But not literally. You can't call him that in real life. Second, I am not talking to him. Maybe after the concert, we can politely ask for an autograph, but I'm no way interrupting his private time. And I would've gladly changed seats with you, but i won't. Because i can't let you disturb him either."

Could i just kiss that woman right now?

The girl sighed and slumped back in her seat. I could feel eyes on me, though I'm not sure which one of them was staring at me. I didn't react, though. My phone dinged with a text. I quietly opened it.

🐨: Don't pay attention to them.

🐰: Yeah i won't.

🐨: The brown-haired girl seems sincere, though.

🐰: Yeah she is.
🐰: I wish all our fans could be like her.

🐨: Its okay.
🐨: In the end, they all love us.
🐨: Focus on that.

🐰: Sure, hyung.

I kept my phone back in my hoodie pocket and dared to spare a glance at the girl beside me. I didn't notice she was brown-haired until hyung pointed it out. I quickly took a peek at her. She was really pretty. The bright lights danced on her face and she looked really cute. Her eyes were really big. I discreetly looked down and saw that she was really fit as well.

She was wearing a black crop top and a black skirt. I leaned down to tighten the lace of my shoe and noticed that she was wearing black sneakers. Her friend, Sara, was wearing heels too high. I sat properly again and stopped being sneaky.

Then the song "What Makes You Beautiful" started playing. Everyone started standing and waiting for Harry to reach the verse. The girls also stood while i was still sitting down tapping my fingers on my head. Yeah, figure that out.

I couldn't help but notice the fact that my face was just a few centimetres away from her bare thigh. I blushed again at the thought. I managed to look at my side and all i could see was soft, milky skin. I looked straight again when Taehyung turned again towards me. He gestured for me to stand up too. I obeyed and stood up. Soon Harry started singing the verse and we started jumping hard.

I was in my zone until there was this line, "the way that u flip your hair gets me overwhelmed" and the girl next to me, YN, actually flipped her hair. And that hair hit me square in the face.


I chose to ignore that because YN was still jumping and she didn't notice anything. I just chuckled in my mask and continued jumping. Her hair smelled nice though. Soon, we again sat down and spent the rest of the concert like that.

Towards the end of the concert, i could hear Sara again, "YN, please. The concert is ending now. At least talk to him now. Or let me do that if you're too shy. We won't meet him ever again 😭"

YN cleared her throat and said, "I know. I'll talk to him outside, okay? But I'm too nervous. Now stop poking me."

Sara mumbled something like, "I'll kill you for sure if u didn't get me that autograph today."

I smiled again and put my hand in my pocket to check if I had a pen. I did. YN, you'll be given that autograph for sure now ;)

 YN, you'll be given that autograph for sure now ;)

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