6. To Face!!

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I picked up my luggage and started walking out. There was such a crowd at the airport so i continued making my way out. Suddenly, i noticed a man standing with my name card again. This time, i could tell he wasn't a random man. He seemed almost like Jungkook. I wasn't sure because he was wearing all black again and he was wearing a mask.

He kept staring at me while i stared at him back, trying to confirm whether he was Jungkook or not. Suddenly, the man held the hem of his tshirt and started pulling the neckline down.

He was looking hella stupid while doing that but i realised why he did that. He was pointing out the last thing we talked about: my cleavage

I laughed and started running his way. I could sense his smile even through that mask. He quickly put the name plate away and opened his arms wide. I ran straight into his arms and wrapped my arms around his neck while he hugged me tight. I was almost off the ground because he was holding me to his height.

I hugged him back and rested my face on his chest. We both stood like that for a while, his hand caressing my hair and the other hand around my waist. He smelled like vanilla, that means no flowers for today.

I pulled away from him and said, "You didn't bring me flowers today?"

He shook his head and said, "I wanted to see the previous ones first. They died, right?"

"How did you know?"

He smiled and said, "Before giving you the whole bunch, i took one flower for myself. To know when they die. They died three days ago."

I nodded and said, "Good effort." while patting his shoulder.

Then i opened my duffet bag and took out the rose bouquet. It was almost dried out, but it was still alive. He looked at it and said, "Wait- why did mine die?"

I smiled and said, "It's not your fault. They wouldn't have lasted a week. But my dad helped me keep them alive for as long as possible. You didn't know, but my father is actually a gardener."

His mouth turned an 'o' and said, "that's so cool, he must be great with plants and flowers then. No wonder he raised such a beautiful one."

I blushed and looked away from him. I can never get used to his random compliments.

I handed him my luggage and walked away, "Come on I'm tired. I wanna rest "

He followed after me and suddenly held my hand. Then he continued walking hand-in-hand and said, "You're coming to my place right now. You can rest there for the day."

I gave him a side look and said, "Why? What's the point?"

"Me. I'm the point. I missed you so damn much that i wouldn't be at peace if you're not in my sight. So stay with me for the day and then u can get on with your Seoul life."

I rolled my eyes and giggled at his clingy self. We walked to his car and he opened the door for me before getting in himself. He started driving while i rested in the car for a while.

When we finally reached, Bam quickly greeted his dad with licks and kisses. Jungkook smiled hard at him and bit his cheek before letting him go. Then he closed the door and let me inside. I sat on the couch and he went to bring water for me.

Then he said, "Go wash up fast. I'll wait for you."

"I don't have my clothes. What will I change into?"

"What do u mean you have no clothes? Your luggage is still here."

"Yeah but it's not having any comfy clothes. It's just full of uncomfortable outfits. Whenever I visit, always wear my mom's clothes at home. They're the most comfortable."

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