9. Just For Her

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*YN PoV*

Tomorrow didn't go well.

I slipped in the bathroom first thing in the morning. I wasn't hurt anywhere but my ankle still ached a little. Then when I was getting ready, i got the eyeliner wrong. I panicked and ended up ruining my whole makeup.

"Great YN! You keep messing up your own makeup. Imagine what you're gonna do on your first day now." I mumbled to myself.

I quickly washed up my face again and started putting on makeup for the second time. Finally i was on my way to reach the building. At least I managed to reach on time.

I quickly went to the Manager's cabin and said, "May i come in sir?"

He nodded and smiled at me. I walked inside and asked, "Good morning sir. I'm the new makeup artist, as you already know. Today is my first day. I'd like to know where I'm gonna start."

He nodded and looked at his computer for a while and then said, "I know Jungkook recommended you, but is it fine if i assign you for other members as well?"

I nodded quickly and said, "Of course sir! I have no problem."

I was gonna touch all their faces?? I'm seriously winning at life!

The manager typed something on his laptop and then said, "Very well. As you know Jimin has such a tight schedule nowadays. So you can get started with his makeup. He needs to leave for the Inkigayo show today. Go to their practice room and you'll get further instructions from there."

I nodded and thanked him before leaving. I walked out and almost bumped into someone. I looked up to see it was Jungkook.

His eyes widened when he looked at me and a huge smile took over his face. Then he pulled me in a corner and said, "What are you doing here?"

I rolled my eyes and said, "It's my first day, duh."

He smiled again and said, "How's it going then?"

I shook my head and said, "The morning wasn't too good. I slipped while bathing and almost sprained my ankle. Then i ruined my makeup. But I'm good now. They're assigning me to Jimin."

He chuckled and said, "You sound like you need someone to hold you while bathing. Can I apply for the post?"

I smacked him on the chest and said, "Stop being a pervert. What are you even doing here?"

He nodded towards the manager's cabin and said, "I had to talk to him regarding something. You go ahead. I'll meet you at the practice room."

I nodded and walked away from there. I reached the practice room and saw Jimin there. He was dancing to Like Crazy. He looked at me through the mirror and stopped. He turned off the music and said, "Oh YN! Hii! Have you started working already?"

I nodded and said, "Yeah, it's my first day. And guess what? They want me to doll you up."

He raised his eyebrows and said, "Wow that's great. I need it anyway. I have way too many projects coming up."

I nodded and said, "So when am I supposed to do... whatever i need to do?"

He sat down and drank some water and said, "Chill YN. Usually makeup noonas just roam here and there. They are needed only when we need to go somewhere. I have my Inkigayo show today at 4 pm. That means you'll be doing my makeup at 2."

My eyes widened and i said, "What am I supposed to do till the next three hours?"

"Find a good corner and make out with Jungkook."

My cheeks immediately blushed and i struggled to form words. I managed to stutter out, "He told you, didn't he?"

He chuckled and said, "He literally cried about it. Like real tears. After you left yesterday, he came straight to my house and drank a lot. He ended up crying and said, "I can't believe she kissed me back. Omg i like her so much." That was so hilarious, i swear to god."

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