8. My Girl

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*YN PoV*

"Thank you so much. I'm really grateful for the opportunity."

I smiled at him one last time before getting out of his office.

I walked out to see Jungkook waiting at the door. He was bouncing on his toes while biting on his nails. Then he saw me and walked towards me in a rush.

"What happened? Did it go well?"

I put on a disappointed face and said, "No, they didn't like m-"

"What the fuck is wrong with them?? I need to go have a talk with him RIGHT NOW!"

He started walking towards the office in anger while i tried not to laugh. He was about to open the door when I pulled him back and said, "Hey I'm kidding. Of course they selected me."

I smiled brightly at him while he looked at me in confusion. Soon he realised i was playing him. He sighed and said, "Seriously you're such a bad girl."

I giggled and said, "I learnt from the best. You're my idol, remember?"

He rolled his eyes and pulled me towards the exit. We both walked out and i asked, "So where are we going now?"

"Since you are my personal makeup artist now, you are free today coz i have no projects ongoing right now. So we're gonna go visit the hyungs."

I nodded quietly. I was still uneasy about the fact that I'm gonna meet all 4 of them more frequently from now on. But now it was my job, and i had to excel at it.

I've already had my introduction with all the boys. I met them a few days ago when I had to attend the interview for my selection.

The past week has been really stressing for me. When Jungkook suggested me about having a job here, i quickly got to work. I did everything that needed to be done. He recommended me to them. They took an interview and even took a trial makeup tutorial. Today they called me for the result and i got selected.

And now we're gonna meet his hyungs :')

We reached the BTS room and entered inside. All 4 of them were seated around a table. We both greeted them and took our seats side by side. Then Namjoon asked, "How did it go YN?"

I smiled politely and said, "I'm selected."

Jimin and Taehyung clapped for me and said, "Welcome to Hybe!! It will suck a lot but atleast the pay is great."

We all laughed hard at his comment and i said, "Beware of PD-nim, you dont want him to hear you."

He laughed and picked up the bottle that was kept on the table. He brought two shot glasses from the mini bar and poured in each of them. He gave one to Jungkook and the other to me.

But i shook my head and said, "No, Jimin, i can't. My al-"

"Her alcohol tolerance is really low. Give it to me. I'll drink hers." Jungkook interrupted.

He took my shot and gulped it down in one go. Yoongi raised his eyebrows and said, "You seem like you know about her a lot."

Jungkook proudly nodded and said, "A lot. But not enough."

I smiled at his sweet response while Yoongi asked, "What do you know? Tell us."

Jungkook kept his shot glass at the table and cleared his throat, as if he was about to give a huge speech. Then he said, "She's Kim YN. She's 23 years old. She is a makeup artist. Her dad is a gardener and her mom is a flowerist. She has a female dog Shiro of Pomeranian breed. She is afraid of animals. She loves BTS and I'm her bias. When she was 6, she accidentally burnt the curtains of her room. When she turned 14, she fell down the stairs and broke her knee. Then when she was 19, she got into kpop. Shes been stanning us since then. Then in 21 she started her career as a makeup artist. She also has her own makeup firm and she has appeared for many big award shows. At the age of 23, she met the love of her life in a Harry Styles concert (i smacked him but he kept speaking) she has been on my wishlist ever since. At this point, she's here with us, trying to smack the shit out of me."

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