3. The Glory

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*JK PoV*

"Did you check the trends?" Yoongi hyung asked me. We were at the Hybe Building right now for a casual meeting. I shook my head and asked, "Why?" He gestured for me to check my phone. I opened Twitter and checked out the trends.


"Which trend are you talking about? These ones are so normal now." I said with a laugh. Yoongi hyung pointed out the third trend. I quickly opened it to see the same clip being played over and over again in every tweet.

The clip of me jumping beside YN.

I read some of the tweets. Some were simping about how cute i looked, some called me a bunny, some expressed how lucky they thought YN was, while some even wrote rude comments about her trying to get close to me.

I rolled my eyes and closed my phone. "It's nothing, hyung. Don't worry about it." Hyung nodded and said, "Taehyung told me you met that girl after the concert. Did something happen?"

I smiled while remembering my date with YN. Looking back now, it all feels so unreal. I never go out with my fans. She's a first.

"Yeah. She asked me for my autograph. But she wasn't carrying paper. I ended up taking her out on a coffee date. I gave her my number too."

Hyung's eyebrows hit his hairline and he exclaimed, "You what?? You realise how risky that was, right? What if she-"

"She won't. She seemed really sincere to me. During the concert, her friend kept trying to get close to me. But she kept stopping her. She protected and respected me. I realised i like her."

"Did you hear those bells you always talked about?" He asked while laughing. I put my face in my hands and whined, "Stop teasing me!! That was just for armies to know. I want them to think I'm a hopeless romantic. I just made that shit up!"

Yoongi hyung laughed again and stood up. He patted my shoulder and brushed my hair and said, "Take care, maknae. I trust you to do what's best for you. I gotta go make a call with Hobi."

I nodded and let him go. I opened my phone again to see Twitter. The trends were increasing fast. I'm sure YN would have seen it already. I decided to text her.

🐰: Heyy, YN
🐰: It's me :)

💅: Me, who?

🐰: Stop playing dumb!
🐰: It's me, Jungkook :(

💅: I don't think i know any Jungkook :)

🐰: Okay.
🐰: Bye.
🐰: I'll text Sara instead.

I shut off my phone and threw it away. What did i want? Some attention? She can't even give me that? I should stop whining now because of lack of attention, I'm not a baby anymore.

But :(

My phone pinged with a notification again and i quickly opened her text.

💅: 😂😂
💅: Okay stop. I'm sorry.
💅: What did you want?

🐰: You're so cruel :(
🐰: Anyway, did u check Twitter?

💅: I did. What about it?

🐰: Did you see how "lucky" you are?
🐰: 😂😂

💅: Ofc i know.
💅: You're an international star. Ofc I'm lucky to be near you.

🐰: Oh :(

💅: What? Why that sad face?

🐰: I didn't expect you to agree so easily.
🐰: How am I supposed to tease you now :(

💅: You should find new ways to tease me, then.

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