14. About That

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*JK PoV*

I stepped out of the shower and wrapped a towel around my waist. Then I picked up a spare towel and started drying my hair. I quickly threw a t-shirt on and pulled up my boxer shorts before putting the towel around my neck. I sat on the bed and cracked my neck and shoulders, i was tired af from all those photoshoots. But it was worth it. I can't forget the way YN eyefucked me the whole time.

I'm in my shared hotel room right now, and YN isn't here yet coz she's coming in a different car so it's gonna take her some time to get back here. I decided to do my skincare until she arrives. I sprayed some toner on my face and let it dry before i applied a thick layer of moisturiser. That's basically it for me. I went back to the bed and played on my phone to kill time.

Soon, a knock was heard on the door. I quickly stood up and turned the doorknob to open the door, however, i was no way prepared for what came my way.

YN entered, no, she BOLTED inside and directly crashed into me. She grabbed me by my shirt and closed the door behind me before getting on her toes and pressing her lips against mine. I was totally taken aback by her actions, but still kissed her back nonetheless.

She had me pressed against the door, so i held her waist and pulled her closer to me while biting her lower lip. She stepped on my flipflops to match my height and ran her fingers through my hair that was still a little wet.

The way she kissed me was not just passionate, it was FEROCIOUS!! She didn't even struggle to breathe while she devoured my pretty mouth. I wondered what's making her act like this, since she's always so shy around me.

When i ran out of breath, i gently pulled her jaw away and she looked into my eyes and said, "You're so doomed now, Jeon."

My eyes widened while i tried to understand what she meant, but she had other plans. She had started to place small kisses all over my neck and jaw. I tried not to make any sound as i let her touch me however she wanted.

A few bites later, she kissed my lips again and this time i couldn't hold back. I kissed her back with the same passion and started walking towards the bed, moving her with me since she was standing on my toes.

We made our way to the bed and only stopped when her legs hit the bedframe. I pushed her down and hovered above her before attacking her lips again. Not for long though, she quickly took the lead and pushed me down before climbing on me.

Looking down on me from that angle, she said, "This is so unfair. I've been your girlfriend for almost a month, yet you never showed me, or even told me, that you had an eight pack?!"

My eyes, which were all dark from lust until now, widened like a puppy again and i said, "Is that what this is about? I get a hot makeout session just for hiding the fact that i had abs?"

She ignored me while she swiftly pulled my shirt up to reveal my abs. Suddenly, i felt a little shy since I've never shown my body like that to a woman before. Hell, i haven't even done anything else other than kissing a girl. But the way she stared at my body, made me feel so good about myself. I felt loved and appreciated, just from her gaze.

She looked at me hesitantly and tried to form words, but i didn't need her words. I simply nodded and said, "You can. Go ahead."

She hesitantly touched my skin with her fingertips and felt the tight muscles. Her fingers dragged down the ridges of my abs, while i tried not to moan from that tickly sensation. I caressed her hair while she treated herself to my abs.

Then she said, "You're so hot. You know that right?"

I proudly nodded and said, "Finally all that workout is paying off. This reaction of yours means everything to me, babe."

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