16. Show Time

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*YN PoV*

My phone dinged with a text. I was expecting it to be Jimin, so i immediately started thinking of all the ways i could torture him now. I picked up my phone to text him back when i realised that he wasn't the one texted me.

It was Sara.

My toxic friend who didn't bother to talk to me ever since i caught her celebrity crush's eye.

I was still pissed at her, but i opened her text nonetheless.

💩: Hey YN

💅: Hi

💩: I know i haven't been much around lately.
💩: But i want to meet you.
💩: I don't like this, i wanna fix this. I wanna make things right between us again.

I was surprised that she even cared about anything other than herself. Don't get me wrong, she was always a good friend to me. But then she decided to fuck things up by turning her back to me, when it wasn't even my fault. I don't really trust her anymore, i don't think we can get back to normal again. But she seemed genuine, and i didn't want to act too arrogant.

💅: I would've met you but i can't.
💅: I'm overseas rn.

💩: Oh? When are you coming back to Korea then?

💅: Tomorrow

💩: Fine, can i meet you then?
💩: Just tell me where to come.

💅: Let's just meet at my apartment.
💅: I'll text you the details later.

💩: Oh, thank you for agreeing YN
💩: I was really scared you'd push me away after i acted that way with you.

I wanted to reply something genuine and thoughtful too, but i just couldn't. I couldn't bring myself to be understanding and forgiving. So i just typed out a dry text and said bye right after. Not the best way to treat your friend, but then what she did wasn't exactly friendly either.

I threw my phone away at the other side of the bed and sighed. Since the shoot is done now, we need to go back to Korea tomorrow. I didn't wanna ruin it by thinking about my so-called friend.

Both me and Jungkook had an off today, so we decided to spend the day exploring the city, careful not to get caught by anyone. The rest of my day went wonderful and i finally felt like home in his embrace.

*a few days later*

I paced around my living room while glancing at the clock repeatedly. I don't know why I was so nervous, but i surely knew that i wasn't entirely ready for this. I kept convincing myself mentally to get through this. I didn't even tell about this to Jungkook, i didn't want him to worry about me.

Soon the doorbell rang and i bolted towards the door. I looked through the peephole to confirm the person i was expecting. I balled my fists and slowly turned the doorknob, letting her inside.

Sara looked at me with wide eyes and immediately hugged me. I closed the door behind her and feebly hugged her back. She kept mumbling things like "omygod i missed u so much, u have no idea how sorry i am, i miss youuuu"

I sighed and pushed her away slightly, then i said, "Good to see you too. Come inside."

She took off her high ass heels at the doorstep and stepped into the soft pink flipflops before entering inside. I made her sit on the couch and went to bring water for her. But she stopped me and said, "Sit with me please. I've waited way too long."

I sighed and sat down beside her. She grabbed my arm and said, "YN, I'm so sorry for how i reacted. You know I'm your best friend, i would never think ill of you. I admit, i was jealous. But who wouldn't be? It was Jeon Jungkook, out of all guys! The one man I've wanted all my life ended up liking you, that's why I was so baffled. But i swear, I'm over it now. I fully support you two together. I just want you to forgive me. Pretty please?"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 10 ⏰

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