7. Get a Job

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Jungkook PoV

I felt a tap on my shoulder so i turned my head. Taehyung looked at me and quietly pointed towards YN. I looked at her asleep figure. She was breathing peacefully and her head was dropped on Taehyung's shoulder. I stood up slowly and kept a hand on her neck.

I slowly kept a hand on her neck and tried to pick her up without waking her up. I carried her bridal style and took her to my bedroom. I laid her down gently and gave her a blanket. Then i returned to the living room and sat between my hyungs.

Then i said, "She's tired. The flight must have been tiring. She just got back today from Busan."

The hyungs nodded and we continued drinking. To kill time, we turned on the live. It has been a while since the maknae line did a live together.

After spending some time with army's, i turned off the live. I said goodbye to my hyungs and they left. I cleaned up the table and went to my room. She was still sleeping peacefully. I smiled and sat beside her.

"You're so beautiful." I whispered quietly. I leaned down and pressed a kiss on her cheek. She stirred in her sleep and turned around to face me. She opened one eye slightly and said, "What are you doing here?"

"I'm gonna go to sleep now. Goodnight YN."

She shook her head and said, "This is your room right? Sleep here."

My eyes widened and i asked, "Are you sure?"

She closed her eyes again and nodded. Then she opened the blanket for me and made a space for me to lie down. I quickly snuggled into her and held her tight. She hugged me back and we ended up sleeping together.

*The next morning*

We woke up at some point to see Bam sleeping with us too. I shook my head at his clingy ass and stood up. YN was still sleeping so i let her be. I took Bam to the bathroom and we both brushed our teeth. Then we had a bath together. We both dressed up together.

Then we went to the kitchen to prepare breakfast. As usual, Bam picked out a chit from the fridge door. It was pancakes for today. So i started working. I was halfway done when I heard some weird noises.

I quickly went to my bedroom to see YN was not on my bed. However, i heard some throwing up noises in the bathroom. I quickly rushed there and saw her throwing up in the toilet.

I went to her side and held her hair back while she did her thing. I handed her some tissues to clean up and she said, "Go away. Don't look at me. This is so gross. We aren't even dating yet."

I laughed and made her stand up. I took her to the sink and let her wash her mouth. I gave her a spare toothbrush and put some paste on it. She brushed her teeth while her eyes still looked sleepy. Then she mumbled with the brush still in her mouth, "I shouldn't have drunk so much."

I nodded and said, "Yes. I'll make a mental note to never let you be near alcohol."

She sighed and spit the foam before rinsing her mouth. Then she washed her face and said, "I'm hella hungry now."

My eyes widened and i shouted, "SHIT THE FOOD!"

I quickly ran to the kitchen to see that the pancakes got overcooked. They were still edible though. I quickly turned off the stove and plated our food. I kept it on the dining table and waited for her to come.

Soon, we were having breakfast together when she said, "So how did i end up in your bed?"

"You were drunk. And you fell asleep on Tae's shoulder. I picked u up and carried u in my room."

She squinted her eyes playfully and said, "You could've taken me to your bedroom too."

"The guest room was dirty. It needs cleaning."

She nodded and ate her food cutely. Then she said, "Now i need to go get back home. I have to go to work tomorrow."

"What do you even work for?"

"I'm a makeup artist. I have my own makeup firm."

"Wow that's amazing. Is it going good?"

"Yeah. Touchwood but it's really successful right now. Half the time i don't even do any work coz i got workers for that."

I nodded and ate another bite. Then after a moment, i said, "Are you, like, a professional?"

She thought for a while and said, "Not bragging. But yeah. I did some major courses in beauty and fashion. And i even worked with many international artists. Last year i got nominated for a fashion show in Paris, though i couldn't win."

"Woah, you sound like a really big deal."

She shrugged her shoulders and continued eating. Then i said, "Why don't you work with us, then?"

She choked on her pancake and said, "WHA-?"

"Yeah, you can totally work with us. Just contact Hybe. I'll recommend u to them. You can get a job with us. And your firm can continue running. Just keep a manager there."

"You're kidding, right?"


She looked at me like i had grown a second head.

I sighed and said, "Listen. The pay will be great. And your career will develop a lot. Not to mention you'll be able to meet all of us and maybe even other groups. You'll be having a chance to go on tours with us. Being a fan, what more could you want? And the fact that we'll be able to meet everyday."

Her eyes shined as if she heard the greatest thing in the world. Then she hesitantly asked, "Are you sure? I heard fans aren't allowed to work at Hybe?"

"Yeah. But you're an exception, remember? They'll accept you if they look at your work. And they won't have a problem with you being a fan because I'll be recommending you to them."

She smiled hugely at me and said, "You're so smart. Come here."

I smiled wide and stood up and went towards her.
She pulled me down by my collar and kissed my cheek. My eyes widened and my cheeks immediately heated up.

I rubbed my cheek gently and said, "Was that even necessary?"

She nodded her head excitedly and said, "Hell yeah! Now ima go get ready. I need to update my CV. And i need to appoint a manager too. Oh my god there's so much work."

She stood up and started walking away in a hurry. I held her wrist and pulled her back towards me. I kissed her forehead and hugged her tight. She hugged me back and said "bye" in a cute voice. Then she finally took her leave :')

I'm currently studying for an entrance exam so i haven't been able to update. But I'm trying my best. I hope you liked this part. I'll try to post more frequently. Stay tuned besties <3

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