5. Exception

168 21 18

*YN PoV*

I was playing with my dog Shiro when I got a text. It was my second day here in Busan and i was having a great time here. The air is still fresh here and my childhood home makes me so nostalgic. Also, it's been ages since I saw Shiro :(

I opened my phone to see that Jungkook sent me a photo.


🐰: Me and my handsome baby

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🐰: Me and my handsome baby

I giggled and quickly opened my camera. I clicked a quick selfie with Shiro before sending it to him.


💅: Me and my beautiful baby

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💅: Me and my beautiful baby

🐰: Are you good with dogs?

💅: I'm good with mine.
💅: I'm usually scared of animals in general

🐰: What about Bam?

💅: He's adorable. I really wanna play with him :(
💅: But I'm scared he'll bite me

🐰: He won't.
🐰: Unless he finds his dad doing the same

💅: Oh shut up
💅: What's with you and your obsession with bites?

🐰: Someone is forgetting i did shoot a whole vampire sketch
🐰: I told you to be careful back then too. You won't know when I come to bite you.

💅: Whatever. That explains the bunny teeth
💅: Anyway, i gotta go. Shiro is on the verge of running off.

🐰: Guess she doesn't like you afterall

💅: 🔪🔪

🐰: 🤐

I switched off my phone and kept it in my pocket. Then i picked Shiro up and went inside the house. She loves playing in the yard so I took her there. But now she needs to eat. I gave her food and told my mom to keep a check on her.

Then i returned to my room and washed my hands and legs. It was still evening right now so i went for a run. I met many of my old people here and had a really good time reminiscing about all those old memories.

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