10. I'm Yours

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*YN PoV*

Everyone was silent.

I was nervously bouncing on my toes while biting my nails (it's a habit i picked up from Jungkook)

I had just finished Jimin's makeup and now many big people (i mean professionals) were looking at his face. I was getting hella terrified of their reaction, not to mention all those makeup noonas who were giving me judgemental looks.

At times like these, i really hope Jungkook would be here. But he isn't. I don't know where he went, but i didn't see him since i did his makeup.

After a few more traumatising minutes, the manager finally spoke up.

"It's perfect. We didn't expect such a great job from you on your first day, but it's perfect. You barely need any training from the staff. Keep up the good work, YN."

I bit my lip to stop my smile that was taking over my face. I bowed to him and thanked him politely. Then i stood up straight when Jimin said, "Are you guys done staring at me like I'm in a museum? Aren't we late?"

The manager playfully smacked him on the head and left the room. Jimin rubbed his head and came towards me. Then he leaned towards me and whispered, "I told you it sucks a lot."

At that moment, the door opened. It was Jungkook. He was smiling but the moment he saw us, his smile dropped. His eyebrows turned down and i started wondering why he was reacting like this. I noticed what he must be thinking.

I was standing against the counter and Jimin had an arm on the counter while he was so close to my neck because he was whispering in my ear.

My eyes widened and i quickly pushed him away. Then i said, "I know right. But as you said, the pay is great. Now go, they must be waiting." Jimin nodded and gave me an eye smile before rushing out. He didn't seem to notice that Jungkook was here.

Jungkook looked at his back while he ran towards the exit. When he was out of sight, Jungkook sighed and walked inside the room. The noonas were still here, so he quietly came towards me and said, "It's done, right? Jimin's makeup? You're free now?"

I nodded and said, "Oh yeah, I'm free."

He nodded back and said, "Then come outside. I need a word."

My eyes widened and i was hella panicked. His eyes seemed so mad and upset and his voice had dropped an octave lower. He looked so intimidating. He looked like he could start dancing to Dionysus anytime now.

I quickly gathered my stuff and made my way out. We both left the building and got in his car. He started driving but didn't say anything for a while. I realised maybe he wanted me to address this awkwardness.

I cleared my throat and said, "Jungkook, i know what you must be thinking. Do you trust me?"

He didn't do or say anything for a few seconds. Then he nodded subtly, too hard to notice. I proceeded further, "I would never break your trust. Jimin was just joking about Hybe again, that's why he was so-"

"You don't need to explain anything, YN. I trust you a lot. And i have no problem watching you interact with my hyungs. They look really happy with you. It's been a while since they got such a great friend."

"But why were you looking so upset? You were all smiling and roses and ponies and rainbows but then you started looking so SO mad."

He shook his head and said, "I'm sorry. I'm just ...  a little possesive. I can't control the way i feel. Ofc i felt jealous and insecure. But i can control the way i think. And i think you're the most honest person in my life."

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