2. Is This A Date?

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*YN PoV*

The concert ended and we quickly moved towards the exit. Sara was way too aware of jungkook's presence so she didn't let him get out of sight. We quickly exited the venue and got hit with the fresh air outside. I could see Jungkook walking with his hyungs just a few steps ahead of us.

It was one task to talk to him. It was another to drag the attention of his hyungs too. I was contemplating being killed by Sara instead of approaching him. It was too intimidating for me.

I kept walking ahead until i finally reached him. I tiptoed higher and tapped on his shoulder. He turned around and looked down at me. He was way too tall for me.

(gimme a big boy, i want a big boyyy~)

"Um, hello. You're Jeon Jungkook, right?"

He took off his hat and ruffled his soft hair. Then he looked straight in my eyes and said, "And what if i am?"

I blushed SUPER HARD!! His deep voice?? His stare?? That black mask?? His hair?? Sir??? Sorry??

I cleared my throat and said, "Umm, i am YN. This is my friend Sara. We are huge fans of yours! Would you mind giving us an autograph?"

He took off his mask and smiled at me. He didn't even look at Sara when I mentioned about her. Then he said, "Ofcourse. Do you have a pen?

I realised I didn't have a pen on me. I was about to shake my head when Sara quickly pulled out a pen from her purse. She offered it to me. I nudged her and whispered, "He's right in front of you. Don't be rude. Give the pen to him, not me!"

She mumbled sorry hastily and gave the pen to him instead. However, he took the pen while still looking at me.

"What about a piece of paper?"

I realised i didn't have paper on me, either. I counted on Sara to pull it out again but she didn't. I spared a glance at her and realised she didn't have it too.

I shut my eyes hard and prepared myself for the embarassment. I opened my eyes to see Jungkook looking at me with an amused expression.

"I'm really sorry. I shouldn't have asked for the autograph. Sorry for taking your time." I politely bowed without looking at his eyes and quickly turned around.

I started walking away fast and Sara followed after me. She was cursing quietly at our dumbness. However, i couldn't take any step further when my wrist was being pulled back. I realised Jungkook was holding my wrist.

My eyes widened at the realisation and i quickly turned around. I am pretty sure Sara had her mouth wide open. Jungkook leaned down towards me and said in a low voice, "Thank you."

"F-for w-whaa-?"

"For treating me like I'm not just a celebrity. Like I'm human too. I couldn't help but overhear your conversation with your friend. Thank you for standing up for me even against your friend. I appreciate fans like you."

No matter how elated this moment made me feel, i couldn't help but feel second-hand embarrassment for Sara. Jungkook just confirmed he acknowledged her toxic behaviour. And that was why he wasn't paying attention to her.

I bowed again (his hand is still holding my wrist) and said, "You're welcome. I hope you meet more such people that make u feel at ease. Be happy."

I bowed once more before turning around and walking away. His presence was really intimidating. I just wanted to get away and get home and simp tf out.

However, my wrist, which was still in his hand, got pulled back again. I turned around again to see he wasn't planning to leave me anytime soon. He leaned down again and said, "Who said you could leave so soon?"

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