13. Jealous much?

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*YN PoV*

I'm on my way to the company for which Jungkook is gonna do the photoshoots. I'm really excited to know what this is all about. Jungkook's phone is switched off, so i can't talk to him right now, which is why I've been killing time by talking to the other staff in this car. About 10 minutes later, we finally reached the destination.

We got off one by one and i looked up to see the huge skyscraper. However, my eyes almost bulged out of my sockets when i realised what the company was: Calvin Klein.

This has been the biggest manifestation for every army out there, and i can't believe that this is finally gonna come true now. I still remember the times when we used to go crazy over the little peek of his CK waistbands whenever he stretched or jumped. How we always wished he would work for them some day. And that wish is finally coming true now.

But i shouldn't be too excited right now. Maybe he is just representing their clothes, and not the underwear. Either way, he's gonna rock it. This will be the biggest project in history.

I swiftly followed along with everyone and we made our way through the different floors to finally reach the one where the shoot was supposed to take place. Jungkook was no where in sight, but everyone else was busy setting up the huge backgrounds, cameras, lightings etc.

Looking at everything like that filled me up with such an adrenaline boost. This is what I loved to do the most. Makeup is my passion, and doing it for my favourite idol, who's also my boyfriend now, not to mention that this is such an international company, really made me feel so grateful.

I tried to contain my happiness for later and went towards my manager. He introduced me to the CK staff and said, "YN, they'll show you the way to the makeup room. Get everything ready, Jungkook will be there soon. You'll get further instructions from the project manager later."

I nodded and went with the staff to the makeup room. I set out all my supplies and started preparing everything. Soon, a lady with greyed hair walked in. She looked a little old but she was still really pretty and she looked very professional.

She walked towards me and we both bowed to each other. Then we shook hands and she said, "Hello, I am the project manager for this shoot, you can call me Lin. Nice to meet you."

"Nice to meet you too, Lin. I'm Kim YN, I'm the makeup artist assigned for this shoot."

She nodded and said, "So i was told. Anyway, i will brief you about the whole theme of the shoot and the looks we're aiming for, so you'll be able to create the perfect look for the artist."

I nodded and listened intently as she explained the whole thing to me. I made mental notes the whole time she spoke, keen not to miss any detail. Soon, she left and i started sorting my pallettes according to the theme she just explained.

Around 15 minutes later, Jungkook walked in with two women. He entered and looked at me. He was wearing a mask but i could still see his eyes crinkle, meaning that he was probably smiling at me. I tried not to smile back and waited for him to settle down. One woman left, she was just here to drop him off, while the other stayed. She was supposed to assist me with his makeup.

I wish I had no assistant, even though it would make things a little tough for me, coz that means I'd have a chance to be with him alone for some time. I shook my thoughts away and started working on his face silently.

I took off his mask and told my assistant, "Yuna, can you please moisturise his face while i mix the foundation?"

She nodded and picked up the bottle of moisturiser. I turned towards the counter and picked up the foundations. I was busy creating the perfect shade when i ended up glancing at the mirror. Jungkook's eyes were closed, while Yuna's fingers dabbed the product on his face.

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