11. Who Cares?

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*JK PoV*

It's been a week since YN started working with us, and I've been immensely proud of her. The way she always maintains her professionalism, and does her job so efficiently, while also managing to socialise with other staff members, it's just soo admirable. I often catch myself staring at her in the middle of shoots, but i manage to bring back my focus to work again.

Anyway, as i am the brand ambassador for CK now, I'm required to go overseas for a few days to shoot everything. YN is gonna come with me as my makeup artist, but i haven't told her yet what this project is about. I'm gonna surprise her on set, when i do all those steamy shoots for her.

"What are you thinking about?" A sweet voice filled my ears, and i immediately looked up in surprise. YN looked at me and gave me her prettiest smile. I smiled back and pulled her down to sit beside me.

"You've been staring into space for the past ten minutes. Are you alright?" She asked me gently.

I nodded and kissed her cheek.

"It's nothing, i was just lost in my thoughts. As you already know, I'm pretty much perfect at zoning out."

She chuckled and nodded in agreement. I held her hand and intertwined our fingers together while she laid her head on my chest. We were in my apartment right now. We spend most of our free time here, since it's not easy for me to go on public dates with her. She had decided to cook for me, so i was waiting for the food when i started zoning out.

"Have you finished cooking?" I looked down at her and asked. She sighed and said, "It's almost done. I'm not sure how it's gonna taste though."

I pecked her forehead and said, "I'm sure it's gonna be amazing. It's made by you after all."

She smiled at me and bopped her nose with mine.


"How is it?" She asked me with expectant eyes, looking curious for my reaction.

I pursed my lips and said, "It's.. a-amazing. As I had already said."

She smiled big and asked, "Really?! Let me taste it too!"

She snatched the bowl of pasta from me before i could stop her, and shoved a spoonful in her mouth. I closed my eyes, dreading her reaction.

But nothing came.

I slowly opened my eyes and looked at her hesitantly. She was standing there with her mouth still full of half-chewed food, with her eyes looking at me with disappointment.

I held her hand and pulled her towards me. "Heyy baby come here..." I pulled her on my lap and held her face.

"It's okay, who cares how you cook? I still like you the same. Besides, I'll be more than happy to cook for you all the time."

She swallowed the food and started pouting. I kissed her pout and waited for her to reply. But she smacked my chest and said, "You lied to me! Why didn't you just tell me honestly you didn't like it?!"

"Who said i didn't like it?? I love it. I know it may not be the best pasta out there, but it's still edible. It's not completely bad. Honestly, i would pick your food over all the other foods at any day!"

"Really? You sure you're not lying to make me feel better right?"

I shook my head and said, "I'm not lying, baby. I love it. C'mon, feed it to me now."

She mumbled "you're not a baby" but still picked up the bowl to feed me. We both ate together while sitting in my kitchen, and I loved every second of it.

*Time skip: A few days later*

*YN PoV*

Today, we're gonna fly to New York for some shoots. Jungkook has still not told me about the project he's working on. He said it was a matter of confidentiality so he couldn't tell me. I am curious though. I can't wait to find out what's all this about.

Right now, we're still driving to the airport along with the rest of the crew. This is the first time I'll be seen beside Jungkook publicly (even as a makeup artist). I was a little nervous to be under all that attention, but I'm sure no one is gonna notice me anyway.

We reached there and slowly got out of the car one by one. At last, the manager help Jungkook out of the car and he started walking inside the airport as if he owned it. His hands inside his pockets, his hair tied up in a pretty ponytail, and he was rocking an all black outfit.

I tried not to drool as i made my way with the rest of the staff behind him. There were so many cameras and the crowd was so loud. I remember how i used to have fights with Sara when she insisted to visit the airport to see the boys as if they're some spectacle. I always hated the idea of making them uncomfortable, so i always ended up staying at home.

I shook my thoughts off and followed with everyone as we made our way to board our flight. I didn't dare look at Jungkook even for a second, i knew how keen the media was.

After all the hussle and hours of exhaustion, we finally made it to NYC. We drove to the hotel we were gonna stay at, so i took my phone out and shot him a text.

💅: This is so sad :(

🐰: What happened baby?

💅: It's so hard to ignore you when you're so close to me :((

🐰: Ikr, I'm having a hard time too 😭

💅: Plus, I won't be able to cuddle you for a week
💅: We'd be having seperate rooms ofc

The car stopped and everyone started stepping out. I turned off my phone without waiting for his reply and stepped out as well. We went inside and the manager talked to the receptionist to get our respective keys.

Jungkook was standing just a few feet away. I looked at him from the corner of my eye, only to see that he was already looking at me so fondly. I turned my head back and took the keys from the manager.

"YN, this is the key to your room. I'm sure you can find it. Try to avoid being looked by others."

I furrowed my eyebrows and was about to ask him what he meant, but he had already started handing out keys to the other staff. I sighed and just started making my way towards my room. I took out my phone again and checked his text.

🐰: It's okay, you take some rest for now
🐰: I still need to attend a meeting with the contractors so I'll be back around two hours later
🐰: Bye babe <3

I pouted at his text. Being away from him really makes me sad. His clinginess is rubbing over me i guess. I sighed and spotted my room at the end of the hallway on the 16th floor. I opened the door and entered inside. It was a really pretty room.

I quickly put my stuff away and jumped on the bed. It was super soft and comfy. I could fall asleep right away on this cloud :)

I forced myself to stand up and shower. I changed into my pyjamas and jumped in the sheets again. I plugged in my earphones and played Zero o' Clock on my phone. Eventually, i fell asleep to the angelic voices, letting go of every sad thought from my mind.

 Eventually, i fell asleep to the angelic voices, letting go of every sad thought from my mind

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Hello Besties <3
This is Part 11, i hope you liked it. This chapter was a little short, but i promise the upcoming chapters are gonna make up for it. Don't forget to vote and comment. Thank you for reading. Love y'all <3

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