12. A Fine Summer Day

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*YN PoV*

It was raining hard, and i was getting drenched on the lone street at night. I didn't know how i ended up here, and i had no idea where i was. I looked around to see that there was not a single person there. It was like an alleyway, with no houses in sight. Yet i was somehow able to hear the sound of someone's air conditioning.

I took some steps further to walk, and the cool wet ground touched my feet. I looked down and realised that i was barefoot. I continued walking through the mist, trying to find a sense of my surroundings. I don't know how long i walked, but soon i was able to make out a figure of a person far away.

A tiny ray of hope fluttered in my chest as i sped up my pace to reach that figure. I noticed that the figure was making his way towards me too, covering the distance between us in long strides.

At some point, we finally reached each other, and i was able to look at the person. He was drenched, just like me, but he didn't seem to mind, as his gaze was solely focused on me. Before i could speak anything, i felt arms around my waist.

I couldn't take my eyes off his face. He looked so ethereal at that moment, that I didn't notice when his face came so close to my ear. The last thing i heard was a faint whisper of "wake up, baby."

I gasped awake, and looked around me. I realised i was still in my hotel room, and the room was hella cold. It was just a dream. I didn't notice anything else until i heard another whisper, "Did you sleep well?"

I gasped again and turned around to see Jungkook in my bed. His arms were wrapped around my waist while his face was so close to mine. He was smiling at me, looking at me with such a soft gaze, just like the man in my dreams.

I grabbed his face and said, "I dreamt about you."

He chuckled and said, "You did? What did you dream?"

I tried to recollect all the details as i told him, "It was raining, and i was all alone, lost somewhere far away in the dead of night. There was no one by my side, until you found me. You were about to say something to me, but then i woke up."

He awed at me and kissed my forehead.

"It sounds so romantic. We should totally recreate that someday."

I nodded slowly when a realisation hit me. I quickly shot up and almost screamed, "WAIT WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE??"

He smirked and pulled me back down. Then he said, "I must've forgotten to tell you, but i got this room for the both of us. I wanted to spend more time with you."

My eyes widened and i said, "Does anyone know? What if we get caught?"

He shook his head and reassured me, "You don't need to worry. The manager already knows. We won't be in any trouble. We just can't be seen together in public."

I sighed in relief and kissed his chin. Then i said, "I finally feel so much better now. A cuddle from you is all i need :("

He held me tighter and wrapped his leg over mine before saying, "I needed it too, baby. The flight and the meeting was so exhausting."

"Are you gonna tell me now what this project is about?"

He shook his head and said, "No, not yet. Besides, our first shoot is gonna be tomorrow. You'll know then anyway."

I rolled my eyes and said, "Ugh this is so unfair. Fine, I'll wait."

He was about to say something when my phone started ringing. I turned around and reached my hand out to pick up my phone. My mom was calling me. More like FaceTiming me.

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