Text {1}

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     "After maybe a few years of me writing these stupid fan fictions off wattpad, I got a strange text. I still don't know how he got my number, but he's big a huge help. Huh. It sounds decent enough for an introduction. Yeah. That definitely sounds good enough to begin, if this were to be a fanfic, definitely."

     I rarely ever go to school, I only go enough to keep my attendance up. I mean, my grades are good enough, all A's even with how much class I've missed. With only twice a week, once if one attended enough, you can kinda get the gist of whatever. Even with the protests from my dad, he had given up, besides, he was never home long enough to stop me.

     Over time, everything in my household had become repetitive, any jobs had been done already, a repetitive loop, so I'd go on my computer, scouring whatever interesting shit I could find. Idol events, internet discourse, incest, whatever was different from the town I lived in. I'd eventually find fanfiction, it was funny. It still is. I don't really take my own work seriously, but I do work on it like it's something serious. I know damn well no one outside of my age group would enjoy it though, it's not even high quality. It could kinda be compared to flavored and edible garbage. I remember typing onto the screen an incoherent babble of words, thinking it was the best thing I had ever written. It kinda sparked a sort of interest for me, fully putting me into a spot of dedication. As in dedication to skipping school.

     During some day in November, I don't really remember, I was sitting in my room, typing, wasting away my almost unknown existence. It's kinda amusing to talk about yourself that way, to word yourself as though you were some parasite clinging to your parents, or an the runt of a batch of any sort of newborn animals. I wasn't concentrated, nothing I was writing interested me any longer, instead I'd use a wheel and gather three words, try to make a fanfiction out of it. It never really managed to keep me intrigued in my own works. Even though it didn't keep me focused, instead bored me, something about etching conjoined lines into pieces of paper, or typing endlessly onto a computer screen, the noises of your keyboard taps stained into your memory, it beckoned me, pulling me into some sort of writing hole.

     I got a notification on my phone, forcing me out of my mind. It had been an unknown contact, it puzzled me for a moment, though I looked at the text.


Toya Aoyagi
"what? who r you"

"ur the squid9 guy right
answer me
ur hum right

Toya Aoyagi
"sorry was writing. yeah, how did you get my number though
and what do you want"

"magic 💯"

Toya Aoyagi

"ok yea srry anyways
theres so many typos in ur work man"

Toya Aoyagi
"yeah idrc"

"thought u were serious about your work?"

Toya Aoyagi
"oh I just do it to waste time
not really that serious about it
it's on Wattpad and ao3 after all"

"but its goodd
u could be a legit writer man"

Toya Aoyagi
"nothing really interests me"

"emo sounding ass"

Toya Aoyagi
"what did you want tho"

"can i edit ur fanfics"

Toya Aoyagi

"but the typos are rlly annoying"

Toya Aoyagi
"oh edit like fix typos?"

"yea obv dumbass"

Toya Aoyagi
"idek your name tho"

"just call me s idrc"

Toya Aoyagi
"what does that stand frr

"my last name"

Toya Aoyagi
do you have nightcord?"


Toya Aoyagi


Toya Aoyagi
I'll send you my login info later
I'm writing this fanfic"


     It was the first time he texted me, I remember shrugging it off and forgetting he existed. I kinda just assumed it to be Azusawa or Akiyama, since they both had my number and Nightcord user. It still left me with some sort of.. discomfort, I suppose, that I only forced onto the pages of screen in front of me, inflicting whoever I wrote about with my own pain. It became something like an addiction, something I'd rely on before I would inevitably go insane from having nothing to do other than writing. It was something I clung to, something I, according to this stranger, had a natural talent at, or something, even if I had never particularly cared for actually writing. Incoherent babbles was how I wrote, my personal favorites being things such as the "I hate myself more than the fish" paragraph. "I hate the fish more than myself more than the fish, holding an understanding of a life larger than mine, my irrelevance that of a tree in the middle of a jungle covered island". I don't know what I was truly thinking when I wrote it, but it falls under what I call incoherent babbles.

     Only things that made no sense, or things that would never normally be saying by the average person.

     I had continued on for a week with the wheel and writings, a loop that had become repetitive itself, even if it was something for me to use to escape from the everlasting cycle. It had a sense of comfort to it though, something I wasn't familiar with, something unlike the cold, uncaring atmosphere and loop of my real life.

     I don't think I was necessarily 'depressed', I just think there was nothing for me to necessarily express myself with, hence the lack of enthusiasm for anything. I still appreciate how I had at least kept at the writing, though, makes it funny to look back at now, quite amusing.

     At maybe midnight, at the end of the week, I glanced at my phone, a spam of notifications coming in from the unknown number. I did add him- or at least I believed it was a him- to my contacts, only naming him 'S'. I opened my phone, seeing picture upon picture of circled typos, with the single message of "found every typo from every 1 of ur fanfics for u". I almost jumped, looking at every picture with a label on which one, which chapter, which paragraph. Terrifying, I have to say. I texted him back, giving him my login info, telling him to fix it for me.

Toya Aoyagi
"fix it for me
anyways gn"

will be done by tomorrow"
was most of that just 'Toya Aoyagi' and the text messages? 100%

EDITOR | Akitoya ( Project Sekai )Where stories live. Discover now