Trust Till One Fragile {5}

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     I've never been to Vivid Street. As much as I know Akiyama and apparently the "ginger" she occasionally mentions- Shinonome, I think- go there frequently, I've never bothered going myself, due to focusing on writing. Half-assed writing. A pathetic excuse for not going out, maybe. I can't really view my own literature as something positive, considering it was at first used to escape from a repetitive loop. I myself am a pathetic being, unable to escape from any sort of loop I find myself in. I suppose that in and of itself is this repetitive thing.

     I remember Akiyama telling me about the several live houses here, and the constant street performances. The noise is quite... calming, actually. I particularly enjoy the loud noises, it helps at least make me feel like I'm not alone, though it's likely just something I grew to like from how often I was at the arcade in... those... years. Annoying as I was, I still share a few of the same opinions with younger me- Is that Shinonome?

Ah. A street performance. I suppose that could be a good thing to add to the wheel, hm? I didn't know Shinonome was a street artist... huh, I wonder if Akiyama's near. Or maybe she's waiting for both of us. Did she know he was doing a street performance today, maybe she texted him it while he was singing. His voice is quite nice, though.

It's quite 'strong', I suppose, and loud, but he seems to have such a large vocal range, and his voice can express his feelings so well, it's beautiful. Beautiful? No, no, that's too strong of a word. I despise how I talk about S and Shinonome, I refer to them as though they're these godly, angelic beings, as though they wouldn't leave me if they met someone even slightly better than me. Can I even talk about Shinonome as though he does seem to care about me now? We've only spoken three times. I suppose that only proves how strangely I speak of him.
"Oi, Aoyagi, you alive?" He snapped his fingers in front of my face, startling me. I could see him almost glaring at me, I can understand why he'd be frustrated at me- even if I don't know the reason why.
"Ah- yes."
"I didn't were zoned out for like, what, twenty minutes? Definitely twenty minutes," his voice sounded harsh, deeper than how he usually speaks- or at least spoke to everyone else. He was definitely mad, certainly, and it hurt, somehow, knowing it was me who caused his anger.
"Yeah, yeah, it's fine," his voice became more gentle again, why is it so difficult to tell his emotions? His face changes emotions so quickly, leaving anything he had once felt undetected, it's somewhat strange to watch. "Just don't zone out again like that, dude. Anyways, I'll assume Mizuki invited you?"
"Oh, yeah, she did."
"I suppose that's why you're here... erm, so because you stopped near where I was singing, I'll assume you're lost?" Concern. Actual concern for me. Something I doubt my father or past friends hold for me any longer. I, alongside how I speak about S and him, despise how warm he makes me feel. Not love feel. Not at all. That'd be rather strange. Besides, I'd never have a chance with him. He has things far more important outside of someone he met only a few weeks ago, and there's certainly better matches for him.


     I think I zoned out again.

     Why is he pulling me along?

     Actually, how is his grip so tight?

     I definitely zoned out.

     His grip on my wrist is beginning to hurt.
"Hello, Akito and Toyaa...aawhat. Why are you dragging him like that?"
"He keeps zoning out."
"You could've, like, woken him up."
"I did, dumbass."
"'Dumbass', says the one failing..."
"Haah?! That's not the point here, Mizuki!" The 'huh' was kinda cute from him. But, is he just putting on an act around others? ...Why the hell does that irritate me? I'm only a mere statue destined to be knocked down, of course he would never show me his actual personality. Maybe I should speak now.
     "Sorry. Zoned out again."
     "Yeah, the ginger here was dragging you here, it was quite weird looking," she said in a rather teasing tone, I can't really tell who she was trying to tease, though.
     "Oi, shut it."
     "Your little c- OW? Violent ass," he... hit her?
     "Ahem, let's just go in."
     "Akito, I swear... ahem, yeah, let's go, Toya."

EDITOR | Akitoya ( Project Sekai )Where stories live. Discover now