The Waiter, The Watcher, The Wailer {12}

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     "Hey, 'Kito, Mizu and I're heading out."
     "Got it," I nervously stared at my phone, not paying attention to my sister's words.


     I can't even worry about Toya if I'm so focused on Squid. I...last time he disappeared, he almost died, I think.

     Actually, I'm somewhat curious.

     Mizuki gave me Squid's phone number, and he disappeared as Toya fell ill.

     Could he... no, no. I'm just too attached to him. Yeah.

     Oh, I could ask 'Zuki 'bout it. I get up from my seat, leaving the paper covered in scribbled out lyrics on my desk. I walk into Ena's room, yet no one's there. Did they leave? Probably. I doubt they'd answer yes though, considering they refused to answer me before.

     Hm? Is that Toya's phone? I suppose they left it there. I'm curious, I wanna check through it. Maybe I could learn about him more, when he first fell ill, I want to make sure he won't end up back there.


     I'll do anything to make sure he won't be forced to return.

     I particularly dislike writing lyrics, as much as I enjoy editing and somewhat writing in general, lyrics have always been a damn pain, I wonder if Squid would... no. Shut up. Squid's been offline, stop thinking about him. Jesus Christ, I'm gonna fucking kill someone if I don't stop thinking about him.

     I should visit the hospital, I'm sure Toya'd be happy for a visitor, though maybe Ena and Mizuki  are visiting him. I sigh, picking up my pen as I begin to scribble down more words, yet immediately cross them out, unable to erase the already etched in words. "Blood spilled, yet unable to be wiped," I remain unable to think of a single word to put down, only forcing the song to go along, lyrics that could easily be put into five words. I'm certain 'Zuki would have an idea on where I could go from this, or maybe An, but both are busy, I'd preferably not bug them. I turned on my phone, looking at my messages with Squid, once more sending the same few I always do.
you okay?
ill assume ur just busy
it's been months man
i miss you
i wanna talk with you


     Oh how bored I am. Nothing to do, nothing to say, nothing to speak other than usual. Just like a 'repetitive loop', as Squid would say.
     The ginger tapped his pencil against the wooden table, the clock ticking as his mind focused on only the blue haired boy and anonymous writer. He could no longer find the motivation he needed, rather his mind focused on things outside of his control, things he was determined to change whether or not it was within his power to. A hatred for what had infected his mind, forcing him to forever wait for whatever had tortured his innocent soul to end, for the end of the tunnel to finally arrive.

     Had he waited any longer, perhaps he'd go insane, anything he picked up only being a mere moment within the years of his life, nothing being the center of his attention. Every thought and sentence he had or spoke were only Squid and Toya, he remained unable to care about anything else. He sighed, picking up his phone and shoving it into his pockets, slamming his hands onto the desk before getting up.

     "I guess I could go sing," he said aloud to himself, only wanting to entertain his mind as he awaited for some event to occur, whether it be a single notification from Squid or hearing Toya got out of the hospital. He grabbed his phone out of his pocket, opening up his messages with Ena.

EDITOR | Akitoya ( Project Sekai )Where stories live. Discover now