Clouds, I Beg {19}

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{Toya POV}

This isn't how it was meant to be.

It was meant to be my editor and I.

The editor and his writer.



"I'm sorry."

My vision's blurry. I can't move.

This isn't how it was meant to be.


"I would stay home if I could."


You'd argue against him, you're the type of person to do that.

Please don't leave me.

"I'm gonna talk with Ena. I'm sorry, Toya."

You aren't sorry. You aren't.

You just don't want me to feel bad.


I'm begging.

I want you to stay.


Why do I feel this way?

"I might be able to text you for a week, I don't know though," he says, hugging me.

Go away.

You don't get to just come into my life.

To just change me, and then fuck off.

You're a liar.


I can't bring myself to speak. I can't. My throat feels clogged, I feel like I'm choking on air. I want to speak, I want to, please let me speak.

"I'll leave now. My dad's texting me."



Why is that the only thing I can say?


This isn't right, this isn't what was meant to happen. I was meant to... to what?

What was I meant to do?

He gets up and leaves, not bothering to close my door. I can hear someone else, I guess Ena, also walk. I can barely force myself to move. I stand up, only peeking out the door, watching them leave.

This isn't fair.

I hear my phone ring, I weakly pick it up.
im leaving at 5 tomorrow
forgot to tell you
or well the plane's leavin at somewhere around 5


You asshole.

I hate you.

Why? Why do you need to go?

The blue haired boy desperately blinks his tears away, yet some tears trickle down his cheek, his eyes a slight shade of red. He's weak, he knows that, both mentally and physically. Why did he never tell Akito he loved him properly? It's his fault. He was sure it was.

I... hate you, he said between sniffles.
{12:15 A.M, about 5 hours until he leaves}
Why can't I sleep? It's annoying. I wanna wake up, just to know it's a nightmare. I can write I guess, I don't want to.

EDITOR | Akitoya ( Project Sekai )Where stories live. Discover now