Carrot-Flavored Squid {15}

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"Do- we need to walk so much?" The blue haired boy breathed out, letting out a whimper-like noise as he leaned against a wall. Mizuki stopped walking, turning around to look at him, though the ginger continued onwards before getting pulled back by the girl, glaring at them.
"Well, my sis said she wouldn't be picking us up until the event was over, so yeah. But," she dragged out the word, slightly smirking, "I'm sure Akito would be willing to carry you, wouldn't you?"
"Haah?! 'Zuki, I don't have any energy after that, how the hell do you expect me to carry him?" He annoyingly said, though it sounded somewhat like a growl as Mizuki only smirked.

The blue haired boy sighed, walking back to the other two before being stopped by the ginger, confusedly looking at him.

"Just get on my back. I have enough energy to carry you."
"I can walk. If you don't have the energy, don't tire yourself out."
"It's not really a big deal, Toya, don't worry 'bout it."

Toya sighed, hesitant to agree to it before getting on Akito's back, wrapping his arms around the ginger's chest, a warm blush heating up both boy's faces. The pink haired girl giggled slightly as Akito had to slight bend over in order to not drag the taller boy on the ground, before both continued walking towards the mall. The ginger scowled at every person who stared at them with either aggressiveness or confusion, and attempted to ignore any of his own fans, only wanting to get to the mall as soon as possible.
"Oi, Toya, we're here," the ginger mumbled, his face a bright red as Toya got off. "Mizuki, stop giggling, it's not my fault he gets tired easily," he groaned, jabbing the girl in their stomach.
"AH- Violent ass," she scoffed, scowling at him before looking at Toya. "So, where do we go first?"
"I don't really care. Wherever Toya wants to, I guess. Has he even been to a mall before?"
"Not in a few years I guess. I don't wanna be here for long, I have, uh," he paused, a mild discomfort appearing in his eyes before he continued, "more matters to deal with. Harumichi... Harumichi is definitely going to be angry with me too," he stuttered as he spoke his father's name. Akito looked at him, mildly surprised before grabbing his arm and quickly running into the mall.

"Hey! Akito, wait up!" The pink haired girl shouted, attempting to run towards them as Toya was dragged along. She groaned as the ginger left their sight, deciding she'd just find him elsewhere eventually. They had an hour, she was at the very least not wasting this precious time searching for two idiots, though they had a faint idea as to where the two boys would go. Okay, if I can get there after I go everywhere I'd like to, I should find them in time, she thought to herself before walked into one of the clothing store's, quietly giggling to herself as she went to an aisle filled with dresses. Just as revenge, just as revenge.

"Aki, slow down," the blue haired boy muttered out, his face a bright red as the ginger slowed, his sprint coming to a halt as he let go of the other's arm.
"Sorry, sorry, I just thought of a place you might like," he said as he gestured towards the store he had stopped in front of. A book store. He gently smiled at the taller boy, walking into the store with the other one following closely behind him. "Since I had met you as the 'library boy', I'm fairly sure you'd have some sort of liking towards reading. Plus, you seemed familiar with the layout of the library, so I was also certain you'd been there a lot. And, since you had apparently never been to a mall... well, you have, just not in years, but that's besides the point, I thought it'd be nice for you to know where one of the bookstores here are. Oh, also..." he trailed off, looking up at Toya, realizing how long he had been ranting about it before, and letting out a quick apology.
"Well, thank you," Toya responded, his mind turning to mush as he attempted to not think about how much thought Akito had put in. He scurried away, not wanting to Akito to make him think about it any more. He could hear the ginger faintly call for him, though ignored it as he shuffled throughout the aisles, looking at each book.

The two toned haired boy seemed to have some sort of energy in his body, a spark of joy mostly left in blurred memories, a feeling that had remained untouched for years.

Was it through the books?


Akito Shinonome, the reason for the sudden feelings that remained unfelt since he was in middle school, since the year long trip. An untouched bundle of feelings and emotions, managed to be poked and prodded at by the ginger.

He pulled out a few of the books, a slight smile forming on his face usually vacant of any visible expression. He crouched down, unaware of the time he had spent there, continuing to look at the books, spending far too much time in any section with mystery books that he could find. His mind was only focused on the books, unaware of the footsteps behind him.

"'Zuki, don't scare him," Akito groaned.
"Hey! I do it all the time, it's not a big deal."
"Dude, if we're going to try to ask, him being nervous won't help."
"Yeah, yeah, okay. Do you even think he'll agree?"
"You- you're the one who's known him longer."
"But, you're-"
"He can hear us," he cut her off sharply, scowling at her.
"He's obviously not listening, though."
"I can do something," he responded, before picking Toya up shamelessly, the taller boy slightly gasping before being almost immediately put down.

"Oi, Toya, it's been twenty minutes, can we go now?"
"Shit, sorry, sure. Can I buy a few books first, though?"
"I don't care. We both have money, so as long as it isn't over, uh... two hundred dollars, I don't really mind."
"It's only sixty, don't worry."
"Sixty? That's like, the amount I get whenever I get paid for a gig, Jesus... alright. Here, I'm gonna go to a store 'Zuki mentioned," he said as he handed the wide-eyed boy his wallet before walking off, a slight giggle coming out of the other girl's mouth.

"God, it feels like I'm third-wheeling, this must be what it feels like for Akito whenever I'm on a date with Ena!" She exclaimed through giggles, Toya just glaring at them.
"It's not a date, Mizuki, you're the one who invited him and I anyways."
"He let you ride him and picked you up to get your attention, kinda feels likes a date. I've done that type of stuff with Ena, no need to be embarrassed," she teased while smirking. "Go pay, he's definitely already there. It's annoying when he gets frustrated, so let's be quick."
"Alright," he muttered, slightly shaking his head.
"I gotta get back to the event now. I'll be able to walk home so, don't worry about having your sis pick me up."
"What? My sister can pick you up, don't worry about walking home."
"No, Ena and my mom'll probably be somewhat concerned if I'm out for a few more hours. Besides, who's house would we even go to?" Akito leaned against a wall, yawning.
"We could go to Toya's house, you haven't been there before."


Toya quietly stared at both of them, his blank expression shifting into one of pure discomfort.

"Harumichi might be home," the blue haired boy whispered, his body tensing up as he spoke.
"Then can I come?" The ginger smiled, yet there was no warmth to it, rather surrounded by an aura of intimidation and anger.
"I don't want you to meet him, Aki."
"I do, though."


"Fine then," he muttered. "I'll meet you at the live house, her sister can pick you up then."

EDITOR | Akitoya ( Project Sekai )Where stories live. Discover now