The Texture Of The Squid {16}

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The trio sat awkwardly in Mizuki's car, Toya and Akito seated on opposite sides of the backseat. The only noise playing within the doors of the vehicle was soft music that the pink haired girl's sister had played in an attempt to relieve some of the tension, an attempt that had managed to build more awkwardness. The ginger glanced at the taller boy, slightly coughing to try to get his attention, though the blue haired boy did nothing in response.

As he looked at the boy, his eyes began to focus on his eyes. Gray eyes that could appear intimidating if not for his weaker appearance, a sort of beauty in them that the ginger had failed to notice before. Eyes the color of the moon, able to leave the redhead fully intoxicated in their charm. The way they were at times covered by the boy's hair, leaving them only slightly visible, he thought, was enough to get drunk off of, such a beautiful feature of Toya that Akito became fixated on. He could feel his face heating up, the blood rushing to his cheeks as he looked away, not wanting the boy to catch him staring. He shook his head, resting it against his palm as he attempted to direct his focus elsewhere.

"Hm? 'Kito?" Toya said, looking over at him.
"Oh- hey," he stuttered, his face heating up more as he glanced at the other boy.
"I thought I saw y...actually, no, nevermind. It's not important," he shook his head, looking out the window once more.
"I'm sure he was staring at you, Toya," Mizuki said, turning around.
"Haah?! No I wasn't, you were hallucinating or somethin'," he sputtered, covering his face as he leaned back with a groan.
"Nope! You definitely were, li'l bro, I'm not blind. Unlike your boyfriend though I guess," she said, shrugging at the last bit.
"Mizuki, we aren't dating," the blue haired boy coughed, glancing over at the ginger who was glaring at the her.
"Yeah, yeah, sorry," they said sarcastically. "Oh! Right, right, another thing. How the hell are we gonna get Harumichi to let us in? Like, we weren't even meant to pick you up, there's no way that old man's about to allow us in his house."
"Maybe you could both just go home then, I, uh, I don't think anything would convince him," the blue haired boy stuttered, fidgeting with his hands as his body tensed up, refusing to look at the other two. He could see the ginger concentrated on his own thoughts, a silence forming between all four as Toya's mind began to panic.

"He might know my dad."
"Hm? Who's your dad?" He asked, cocking his head towards the other boy.
Harumichi Aoyagi.

One of the most famous classical musicians.

Father of Toya Aoyagi.

He talked to his wife, his tone that of someone scolding their child, his voice full of pure irritation as they talked about him. Their son. The thing that decided it would rebel against his father, to go against his teachings, the despicable parasite that wedged its way into Harumichi's life. He groaned, talking about the boy in such a mocking way, a disgust for the musician forming in his wife's heart.

She understood his hate for how her child believed that his father was the villain, where in her warped perception of reality he merely was gently teaching the child on how to properly play the piano and violin so he could grow successfully, instead of failing as her siblings had. Though as each and every hospital trip occurred, her view of her husband began to crack, beginning to view him as this disgusting monster. Her voice grew higher, almost turning into a shout as she stepped closer to Harumichi, him stepping forwards as he too started to shout.

Until the knocking. Banging or pounding, perhaps, would be a better way to describe the sound, but both jerked their bodies around as they faced the door. He frustratedly sighed, opening it to be greeted by the child at his doorstep.

EDITOR | Akitoya ( Project Sekai )Where stories live. Discover now