Temporary Library Duty {3}

822 23 48



won't be writing today, got school

oh ur in college?

??? no

..ur a minor?


kinda thought u were some guy with no life who never went to college


kk anyways
do you often go to school

not really
also seeing you say 'you' makes me happy

you're weird
anyways i havent even finished you're other fanfic so like it's good


dont get mad at me im failing all my classes


don't ask
well not failing but im on the line bwtween fail and pass

kk bye now

     The blue haired boy groaned, sitting upright, turning on the almost dead lamp, his pillow seeming to beckon him to lay down once more. He walked towards his closet, pulling out his dusty school uniform, somewhat tempted to rip it apart from the seams, though he resisted, only putting it on his pale body. He had always despised school, between how he was more quiet and the fact no one truly acknowledged him other than Akiyama Mizuki, there was an unkept hatred for it, growing as though it were a wildfire, fueled by the ignorance and repetition around him.

     As he exited his bedroom, he locked his door, walking into the kitchen and grabbed a piece of bread. He had never bothered with properly feeding himself or putting any sort of effort into his food, only doing so in writing if he had truly cared. He could feel his dad stare at him as he chewed, his blank face appearing to have a slight frown.

     "Hm- yes, father?"
     "Are you going to school for once?"
     "Uh. Yes, I am. I've been absent too much."
     "I will assume you got another call about that? Toya, you need to stop prioritizing your writing, you need to be studying more. It'd be better to return to classical music, instead of 'fanfictions' no one cares about, but I suppose studying should be the main priority," his father spoke in a rather aggressive tone, almost glaring at his son. The blue haired boy only shrugged, though returned a slight glare before leaving the house, silently walking to school alone.
     I usually don't pay attention to my classes unless it's a new unit or related to any upcoming tests, under the assumption I'm not interested in it. Music class, though entirely useless to me, manages to keep me somewhat engaged, being the fact we have to listen to songs so often in it. Plus, Akiyama's in it, which I suppose is a bonus, albeit how they're rarely ever in school either. Usually, though, they are, since we're only ever here for the bare minimum of the time, but I'm here more often due to actually prioritizing new topics and tests over my online social life.

     Actually, am I even able to say that?
     I've begun to prioritize S.
     I started acting like he was important to me.
     That we both cared about each other.
     That we would be inseparable.
     That we both mattered in each other's lives.
     Is he?
     Is he that important he can take over my thoughts?
     I'm a writer. Not someone obsessed over someone who had probably stalked me to get my number.
     Is a writer even an accurate way to describe me?
     I mean, I've put more effort into my writing since meeting S, "hiring" him.
     But it's still half-assed.
     I'm not really a writer, just someone who seeks use.
     It's not important though, it never will be.
     Labels don't particularly matter.
     Even if I wanna have some sort of dream, they don't matter.

EDITOR | Akitoya ( Project Sekai )Where stories live. Discover now