This Was Fate, Don't Stop It {9}

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     The ginger sat in the lobby, fidgeting as he attempted to concentrate on whatever he could see, only wanting to distract himself from his miserable situation. Sun from a nearby window illuminated the room, tension filling it, almost suffocating those within. Those ill and injured, those only waiting for some sort of news, those doing what they must, filled up seats as most waited for an event to occur, any type. Whether that event be to pass or to recover did not matter, all that held any importance was just some event finally happening, to bring closure to those within.

     Mizuki and Tsukasa sat beside Akito, all nervously awaiting for someone to say anything about Toya, for him to come out and go back.

     The light haired girl only longed for her childhood friend to finally recover, to finally move on from the phase he had been forced into for all his lifetime. This hadn't been the first time it had happened, it would always be a repetitive loop, a cycle he was unable to escape. They only sat there, glancing at the ginger and blonde next to them, praying that one of them would at least say something, anything.

     The blonde only remained silent, his mind wondering what he had done to deserve such treatment from whatever god was out there, wondering if he would ever be able to leave the hospital behind. Eight months, eight months of pure blissfulness, of peace that all had become used to, yet that was stripped away from all of them, replacing itself with anxiety in the blonde haired boy's mind.

     The ginger's body was tense, fidgeting constantly as he pulled out his phone, nervously looking at it without doing anything. Peacefulness and calmness refused to rest in his body, not allowing him to ever be at peace, instead those close to him falling as he stood there, only wishing to fall with them.

     Only wishing he had control.

     Any power over the situation.

     Maybe then, things wouldn't have played out like this.

     If he had been there to figure out a proper way to treat it, or to help, even with the fact his only knowledge of the blue haired boy's illness being from Mizuki, unaware of the true cause, his sole desire was to figure out a way to help with it before it had progressed into this. Before it would be able to turn him into this unworthy insect, forever destined to be stepped on and ignored, dying far before than the humans it surrounded itself with.

     They all sat there, an uncomfortable silence between the three, before they heard footsteps, voices, forcing them to focus on reality once more.

     "Hey! Sorry, I was late. Is Toya doing fine?" The black and blue haired girl spoke rather quietly, almost worrying the ginger more than he already was.
     "Oh. An. We don't know."
     "Oh!" She squeaked, the sudden change in personality forming a certain fear in Mizuki.
     "Here, sit. I doubt he'll be out soon," they nervously chuckled, patting the seat to their left, Tsukasa and Akito beginning to quietly talk.
     "Is this common?" Her voice became softer, disturbing the light pink haired girl, both attempting to avoid eye contact.
     "Yeah," they looked at the floor, their conversation ending as all four focused on nothing, unable to concentrate on anything other than Toya.


     "Excuse me."

     Sob about nothing.

     "Mr. Aoyagi's awake, you may visit him shortly."

     Unable to move one's limbs.

     "Only one person at a time."

It's not fair.
     It's not fair.
     It's not fair.

EDITOR | Akitoya ( Project Sekai )Where stories live. Discover now