The Writer {18}

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     A week.

     A week it had been, since the writer and his editor had last spoken.

     Toya remained caged within his room in his new house, neither Tsukasa or Saki coming in to bother him as he stared at the blank sheets on his monitor. Kanade would, rarely, just to ask if he knew how Mizuki was doing. His answers would usually consist of 'they're fine', 'don't know', or 'she's well'. He had rarely spoken to them since he left, he was certain they probably checked his house, just not the Tenma's.

     His mind was far too cloudy for dialogue, even if his mind begged him to talk to either of them, even if his body yearned for any kind of physical contact with the ginger. All his actions were impulsive, from rebelling against his father to running away, and he worried Akito would grow sick of him. Yet, the aforementioned had stuck with him throughout his trip through the hospital, not leaving or straying away from him, sticking with his role as both his editor and his friend even when he found out he was Squid9.

     Even as his love for the ginger grew, he still hated, despised how his thoughts, his mind would always circle back to him.

     Shinonome, a person he had personally become addicted to.

     He had never felt this way about anyone else, Mizuki or Nene, Tsukasa or Rui, his brothers or his classmates. It was a feeling he wasn't fond of at first, no, yet slowly became something that formed this attachment to bring around the ginger.

     His thoughts forever remained focused on Akito, Akito, Akito. Never to think of anyone or anything else, only the boy he accidentally fell in love with.


     "Hey, Aoyagi," the white haired girl knocked on his door, slightly pushing it open, leaving it ajar.
     "Oh, hello, Yoisaki," Toya slightly waved in response, lowering his monitor's brightness to fit with the more dimly lit room.
     "Ena and Akito'll be coming over today. You're okay with that, right?"
     "Don't you remember him? His, your uh, your editor."
     "Yeah. I'm fine with him," he nodded, turning away to focus on writing again. He could hear a somewhat disappointed sigh from the girl before his door was shut once more. Why would she be the disappointed one?

     It's not like she'd be afraid of what he could say.

     It's not like she was the one he had impulsively kissed, only to regret it.


     I should just continue writing, he thought to himself, turning up the screen's brightness. His fingers barely brushed over each key, his mind turned entirely towards the book. Even as pathetic it was to find joy in writing, he still dedicated his entire self to it, regardless of how often he would continue to forget what he still needed to do.

     It's more misleading to say he hadn't been taking care of himself, he had been eating far more than he had before he fell into the hospital, or even before he met S. Akito. Before he met Akito. Yet he still neglected it, even if his mind shaped itself around the ginger, he couldn't force himself to do anything he should've on time.
     "Yo." Toya jerked his body around, listening to the voice that was muffled by the closed door. There was a short knocking sound before it was opened, the previously mentioned ginger stepping in.
     "Shit, were you doing something important?" He sputtered out, almost immediately stepping out and slamming it shut.
     "Wh- no, it's fine," Toya shouted, getting up from his chair. He didn't hear any sound in response, brushing off the suddenness as he turned his attention to the screen once more. He sighed, resting his head on his palm.

EDITOR | Akitoya ( Project Sekai )Where stories live. Discover now