Caterpillar {13}

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     "Toya," the musician shouted, the blue haired boy flinching at the yell. He closed his eyes, waiting for the footsteps of his father, his body heavy as he attempted to slightly back away. His nauseated self was unable to force any words out of his throat, something his father would as an act of disobedience. He could feel the man glaring at him, entirely able to hear him approach closer. He begged for something, anything, to make sure it wasn't for him to practice piano again.

     The cursed, horrid object.

     An instrument that brought nothing to him.

     Nothing except his illness.

     "Toya! Look at me, you brat," the older man said, the blue haired boy jerking his head up in response. "You're practicing piano after you get out, got it? No more of this writing, you're focusing on classical music again. The nurses say you'll be out in, at most, a month, so you should remember how to read music notes by then," his voice had a tone of pure hatred in it, the softness he had once used towards his child having disappeared as the boy had rebelled.

     "M...Mhm," he managed to mumble out, looking away as he attempted to avert his gaze, the forced realization of one fact coming to him.

     He had never escaped.

     Kept afloat by only the calm water, yet drowned by the never ending waves, suffocating within the breeze.

     Had he never attempted to escape his destined life, perhaps he'd be okay.

     Perhaps he'd be perfectly fine sitting on the piano seat.

     Had nothing forced him to this realization, he'd continue treading the path to a finalized demise, unable to stop it even if he knew every effort he would put in his miserable existence would all be in vain. He would've given up long ago, the name Squid9 remaining completely untouched.

     "I see you've learned some sort of obedience, good. Your mother will be out for a little while when you return, got it? I hope you'll impress her, Toya," he said, snarling as he glared at his son. The blue haired boy flinched at the harshness, unable to look up at his father, instead just attempting to relax his tense body.
     "Huh? Who's in?"
     "His... ...I'm terribly sorry, madam, but one person permitted as a time."
     "I beg you, allow me to visit him."
     "I really can not."
     "Ah! Can I visit... ...then?"
     "Of course. His room's right next to his."
     "Perfect! Thanks!"
     "Listen, I just need you, okay?"
     "Got it. I think I have the time to...intervene."
     "Cool, thanks. I don't want him to go through it again."
     "Yeah, yeah, no clue what you're talking about but I'll do it."
     "Seriously, man, I'll pay you back somehow."
     "Why do you even care about him so much?"
     "He's my friend, my best friend. I'm sure you'd care for him too."
     "Haah?! What do you mean?"
     "That's- okay, okay, just be quick!"
     "Okay, okay."
     "No, sir, I can't let you in."
     "I insist you do, miss, it's a rather urgent matter."
     "Sir! I truly can't, only one visitor is permitted at a time. I could lose my- oh, oh! I'm so sorry sir, please, go...go ahead, just don't tell my boss, okay?"
     "Thank you a lot, ma'am. I shouldn't be there for long, so no one will know."
     "Good, good, you remember the keys. Even with the years, you'll do just fine," he chuckled to himself, yet there was still anger in his voice, a tone of frustration and hatred. He continued, "Don't you try to disobey me this time, Toya. Your mother and I only want you to excel at what you're meant to do," he ended with a grunt. The blue haired boy only nodded with despair, light no longer fully reflecting off his gray eyes.

EDITOR | Akitoya ( Project Sekai )Where stories live. Discover now