Engulfed, Sink To The Ocean Floor {4}

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Yes, that's my purpose.

My only job in my undesirable existence is to write.

Fanfictions and books no one has ever read.

I'm useless otherwise.

I don't wish to be misled by the words he tells me.

I know my purpose.

I don't have one.

I'm pathetic.

The noises of endless typing continued, echoing throughout his bedroom, no true reason as to why he was writing, writing even if he acknowledged his own purposelessness. Endless notifications filled his phone, spammed throughout the night, only left in the dust, eternally on delivered.

Toya Aoyagi.


I'm a disgrace to my own family. I was destined to never do anything with my miserable soul, only meant to write things no one would truly remember as important.

Toya Aoyagi is a pathetic person.

He's unworthy of anything he had earned.

And I'm ashamed to be him.

I doubt I'll ever achieve anything.

I was only a sickly child.

A spoiled, selfish, ill child.

One who deserved to die in the hospital bed he laid in.


Typos. Hundreds.

"I raise mu arm, the blodd drippeddown as those around me looked, admiring the harm I took, seeing me as only the boy who defeated th e dragpv. I guesd thats all ill evew be," words he pulled out of his chest, forcing any emotion he would ever feel before his demise out, etching them onto papers or screens, so those who willfully remained ignorant could read, and skip anything between the lines.

I like to imagine myself as whoever I write. Whatever I write.

Something with a purpose.

Something that deserves what it gained.

Something that had worth.

A thing that wasn't told it by one single boy.

That was praised for talents he had.

Skills I lack.

Skills I never learnt from being trapped on the ocean floor, stuck in the hospital bed in purely white rooms.


Maybe I could check the notifications. They're getting annoying after all.

Huh. Most of them are from S.
dude are u ok?
where've u been
u haven't posted anything in a week
squid please
I wanna know ur okay
please man
just read this
jesus i hate worrying abt an idiot like you

im begging u
read my messages
are u writing fanfic?
i wanna know ur okay
just come online
my sis is worried abt u
IM worried abt u

at least say something
please man
idc if u say youre about to kys
just come online
i need u
u help me not go insane
(ok bad to joke sorry)
but please

EDITOR | Akitoya ( Project Sekai )Where stories live. Discover now