BAD DOG {14}

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"Oh, also, Akito's performing solo. An's been busy practicing with this Azusawa chick," Mizuki chuckled, looking behind her seat to look at the blue haired boy.

A silence stood, Mizuki's sister driving the car as it sped towards the live house, Toya slightly shaking as his body attempted to adapt to the hundredth change in his life, finally escaping the white walls of the hospitals just as his body had adjusted to the almost complete stillness.

"Where's my phone?"
"Oh! Right, yeah...uhh, I think Akito's got it? Or it's at his and Ena's house, I kind of lost track on where it was."
"You might've lost my phone?" He glared at them, albeit not very intimidatingly. The pink haired girl giggled, slightly covering their mouth as they looked at their sister. The two Akiyamas conversed as Toya sighed, fidgeting his hands and leaning his head against the window.

He closed his eyes, keeping his hands on his lap while the car sped up, slightly grinning at the thought of Akito. Three weeks ago was the last time he had saw the ginger, his body longing to hear the boy's voice, Akito's voice managing to soothe him even when he could barely hear anything.

"So, Toya, excited to see your boyfriend?~" Mizuki teased, dragging out the last word and earning a short groan from Toya. He glared at her once more, leaning closer to the girl as her sister sighed.
"Come on, both of you. Mizuzu, he just got out of the hospital," she said as though she were attempting to scold the younger one, though the adult said it with a faint smile, watching the energy from her sibling. "Plus, he needs to get his phone. He definitely has larger matters to worry about other than Shinonome."
"Oh come on, you're no fun..." she whined dramatically, letting out a fake sob as they held their hand against the chest, leaning against the seat.

All three of them began giggling, the giggles turning into purely joyous laughter. It felt as though the warm energy of comfort was pulsating throughout the vehicle, like it was a human experiencing the same feeling as they did. As the eruption of laughter continued, Toya began to settle, his throat dry and in a mild pain as he went back to staring out the window. He rested his hands on his lap, watching everything the car passed by, every sight he had missed over the months caged in the building lodging itself into his memories, a slight smile forming on his lips as he watched.

"We're here."
Mizuki and I got out the car, her waving to her sister before grabbing my wrist, grinning at me and running inside the live house, dragging me inside.

"Jesus- Mizuki, I'm still weak," I mutter, my throat already slightly burning under using my voice slightly.

Or maybe I've just grown less immune to the pain.

"Sorry, sorry, but hey, we're here now! Akito's first, I think he should be up for half an hour? Most gigs here are pretty long," she said in between giggles, before she continued with a separate statement. "Oh! Yeah, he has your phone."

My phone.


The way he said my online user... he definitely knew. I doubt it's worth it worrying about it now.

"We're pretty late," she sighed, "I don't think we missed it though. Besides, he and An always take forever backstage."
"Hm? Have you been there before...?"
"Obviously! Ena and I have, mh, privileges! Special benefits of being friends with the singers."
"I see."

We both stood there, Mizuki shoving both myself and them to the front in order to get as close as possible to the stage. I could feel my body tending up as someone got out from the backstage, gripping the microphone as this yelled into it.

EDITOR | Akitoya ( Project Sekai )Where stories live. Discover now