The Image In Blurry Tears {11}

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{Nene POV}
I could only stare at him.

What had brought me here once more?

It had been years- maybe about six- since I last came.

Years since I last felt concerned for Aoyagi.

I only remember him as this selfish brat, yet Tsukasa praises him endlessly, he obviously knew what had occurred those previous years.

I'm still angry at him.


So why do I stand here now?

"H-hello, Aoyagi," I choke out, some sort of tension forming between us, fueled by the awkwardness and nervousness. He only looked away, averting my gaze. I swallowed my saliva, walking a bit further into the room, yet still nervous as though something were going to jump out and grab me, pulling me into some sort of hell. He sat up, leaving his slumped over position, looking at me dead in my eyes, almost like he were attempting to intimidate me.

How had I ever managed to befriend him?

His eyes are so, so dark. No light seemed to reflect off them, a clear reflection of this desperate situation. That's kinda fun to say. I feel like I've heard it from one of my games, though.

"Hello, Kusa," he coughed, I could see droplets of blood escape his mouth before he continued, "Kusanagi."
"How've you been these past few years?" Likely the wrong choice of words. The stare disappeared, returning to his slumped over state, his eyes becoming ever more dead than they once were. "Oh! Sorry, uh, I wasn't thinking when I said that."
"Mhm," he hummed, rather quietly. Definitely poorly chosen question.

I want to leave.

We aren't friends, we never have been.

Just like that, Nene, deny the past. Things have changed, I'm apart of WonderlandsxShowtime, yet, something still beckons me to continue speaking with him.

I was only friends with him in the past, I can't change what occurred anymore. Why do I feel like I need to talk?

"Uhm, Akiyama and Tsukasa told me about Shinonome. And someone named S. I- no, nevermind," I sighed, yet he seemed to perk up when I mentioned S.

Maybe I could apologize.

"Do you know Aki...?" He questioned, his voice weak as he rested his head against the pillow, gently gripping the bedsheets.
"He's asked me about you a few times, so I guess," I shrugged, his face remaining entirely blank. I guess he was never that expressive, but I was at least hoping for a smile or something.


He laid down, releasing his grip before shutting his eyes, presumably falling asleep.

How can someone fall asleep so easily in such a place?

Maybe he's been here far too much.

Even if I still hate him, he deserves better, I guess.

It makes me wonder, though. Has Rui forgiven him? Has he truly changed?
"No! You're selfish! I'm not forgiving you," the young girl exclaimed, screaming at the taller boy who only held a blank expression, yet his voice strong as he argued back.
"I changed! I swear, please forgive me Kusanagi."
"Stop. Stop. Please, I don't want to hear your fake apologies. I know you don't care, because you're selfish!"
"Leave her alone, Aoyagi," a purple haired boy glared at the somewhat shorter one, holding the green haired girl close to him.
"Wait...! Kamishiro! Please listen, I was still sick."
"You still are! I don't wanna be infected," she had whimpered, backing away from him as Toya attempted to step closer.

All within the vicinity of his bedroom walls.

"Leave her alone. She doesn't forgive you! I'll, I'll send out my robot army if you don't stop begging."
"No! Please!" He sobbed, falling onto the ground as he tried to wipe away the tears that had arrived.

He would scream at me, forever and ever and ever...until he forgot about me, I presume, I'm sure he was using Akiyama. Selfish... selfish!

The boy whimpered as they both left, his own ill forcing him to gag as tears spilled out, shoving him back into the hole he had only then escaped from, returning to his everlasting period of self-centeredness and arrogance.
I stepped towards his unconscious body, swallowing my saliva as I could feel the teardrops build up in my eyes. I wiped them away as I put my hand atop his hand, biting my lower lip before speaking.

"I'm sorry, Aoyagi."

As I walked and opened the door, I slightly shifted my head to the side, only glancing at him for a second before leaving.

Were his eyes open?

I said it'd be short (shrug)

EDITOR | Akitoya ( Project Sekai )Where stories live. Discover now