Chapter 1.

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Eda was still laying in her comfortable bed, even tho she shouldn't more. Her alarm has already screamed 5 minutes ago, but she has no energy. At all.

"Eda? Are you still asleep?" A brown haired head shows up in the door.

"Huh? Yea kid, I am...yeaa"

Luz just rolled her eyes, and went to wake up her brother, Hunter.
Eda still hasn't moved.
But she has to.
She has to be in her office.
What's the time, again?

7:30 at the morning

"Fricking piece of.." she mumbled. Just few minutes and she will be late. Once again.

"Edaaaa. You know you can't stay in your bed till 12, riiight?"

Just wait you little...

She really needs to get up.

Okay, she got this

"I WILLL BE THEEEREEE" she shouted loudly enough to stop Luz from another knock on her door.
Eda then gets up.
After years, decades of waiting.

She'll be late

She'll be...late.

She'll BE LATE


No no no no no no no no no no. Not again.

With a sudden energy she jumped to her closet, and pick her favourite black sweater and blue jeans. Grabed the nearest brush and brushed her red hair, called even orange hair.
She ran out of the doors, bumping straight into her Luz.

"uppss. Sorry, Luz. Hunter and king are awake?"

Luz noded. "Waiting in the car."

Red small car waited outside with her two other kids already in it.
"If I'll be late, I'll get fired. So, mommy's gonna rush a bit, okay?"
As she sat in her car, Hunter asked:
"Edaa? May I hang out with Luz and friends lateeer? Pretty please?"
Hm. Eda was thinking. Should he? Or he shouldn't?
"Hm, what about king?" You know I'll be in work too long." She asked.
"I can go with them!! I would really like to!!" He said out of excitement. He's a bit...younger, but what? He is their brother after all, isn't he? But teenagers, nevermind.
"Maybe. Call me when you get home, okay?" They were already in front of the big white building.

Groups of kids were heading to school, ignoring the other kids, heading to school too. Woah, nobody would ever say that. Kids rushed out of to car, telling Eda to have a good day or to not be late.



Eda was driving like an alcoholic. From side to side, back and front, until she got there. Her work. Amazing place. She got herself to her office already exhausted, even tho her day didn't even started yet.


Well not anymore.

She quietly close the door and sneak carefully to her chair, where she sits. Coffee already in her hand what Haley, her assistant, gave her. Carefully sipping, Eda's thinking, boring as always.

How horribly wrong she was back then.

The doors opens, and mr. Lustman, her boss, entered, followed by a...


"Hello, miss Clawthorne, this is your new co-worker, Mx.-"


502 words

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