Chapter 2.

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Raine was nervous. New work, new people, new everything. That's scary. They told them, that they have to be in the building at 7:35 a.m

Not too early, not too late. Perfect time. They will have enough time for breakfast and they could even walk.
Their last job was..something else. The other people who worked there, were super weird. They asked them too personal questions. Like, Is there anyone you like? or What toothbrush do you use?

They all were scary. They haven't stayed there for too long. [ a week]
But this work feels like the right one. The one where aren't any weird questioners or naive women.
Just them and the work.

"So, Mx. Whispers. You'll have our best instructor, who's welcoming everyone new. She never failed, and whoever she taught her ways, its now successful person. So, be a biit nice. She hates rude people." Mr. Lustman, their new boss, was slowly walking through the hallway, stopping in front of wooden door heading to someone's office.

He carefully held the handle, and pushed it down, opening the doors.
They walked into a small room, with a white table, black chair and a big black cabinet. But, isn't that..?!

"Miss Clawthorne, this is our new co-worker, Mx.-"


She recognised them too quickly. Fuck. She still have her beautiful red hair, and shiny gold eyes. In that golden eyes, they were drowning every time they looked into them.

She is still pretty. She'll probably never stop to.

"Uh, you already know each other..? What a suprise!! Well I quess, I'll leave you two alone then." And he walked out of the office, leaving two past lovers behind.

Silence. Horribly awkward silence. They were staring into each other's eyes, deeply as they used to. They were crazy in love. Kissing every single time they could.

"Long time, no see, huh?"

Eda breaks the long silence, with her angelic-

Her voice.

She broke the silence with her voice. Normal voice.


"I quess yes. How have you been?" Raine was already trapped in her eyes. This day's getting interesting.
They slowly felt the same like two years ago.

21st April

Raine was sitting in their living room, with the TV on. Random serial about werewolfs was turned on. They didn't care.

"Rainestorm? Do you want a sandwich?" A soft voice came from the kitchen.

"Yes please. But a small one." They replied to the woman in their kitchen.
Their love was in their house, making them a sandwich. She is so so adorable. Eda walked to the living room, with plates in her hands. One, she gave Raine, and the other one is for her.
But Raine didn't start eating yet. Eda didn't either.

"Im so so tired." She mumbled while wrapping her hands around Raine's neck. "We could maybe sleep, riiight?"
They gently laid their hands on her waist, pulling her closer.
"Maybee. But, you really want to miss this amazing show?"
Eda gave them a funny look.
"You haven't even read the title, Raine." She laughed. Her laughter is so cute. They leaned to give their lover a kiss on forehead.
"Maybe. But-"
"Do it again."
Raine smiled in realisation, and leaned for another kiss, but on cheek, this time.
"Anotheer, please"
Another cheek

"Laast one."

This one was on the lips. And it wasn't that short. It was, just so...heartwarming. She got even closer, so Raine could feel every inch of her perfect body.

They loved her, and they knew it.


"- and that's where everything is. Raine, are you okay? You're so red."

They were again on the Earth. The past was beautiful, but they need to focus on the present. And maybe, just maybe, the future can be even better.

"I-I am sorry. I'll always get nervous in new jobs, you know?" They turned around to the door. "Im gonna drink something. A moment." And after that, they rushed out of the office.

They aren't ready to face her.

Not yet...

671 words

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