Chapter 11

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Clawthorne sisters pov:

Eda and Lilith rushed to the restrooms.

"What is it, Edalyn?! Are you mentally stable or what just, hey what are you doing?"

Eda slammed the door and went furious. She was walking from side to side, really quick.
"What am I doing? What AM I doing?" She stopped to look at her sister "what is that bitch doing with Raine?!"

She rested her back at the door.
"How dare she sing that song with them?! I will catch her and just...just..UGH!" And she hit the door with her hand

Lilith couldn't help herself and uncontrollably smiled.


"E-Edalyn, calm down," she couldn't speak properly because of how much giggling she was "were you in a cave those last years? Raine aren't your partner anymore, so they can find anyone."

Eda's heart skipped a beat.

"You're actually thinking t-they could-"

"NO, that's not exactly what I meant, you just," she deeply sighed "you have to accept the fact they don't love you anymore. They just want to be your friend, aren't you co-workers, after all? They want good friendship between you guys."

While Lilith was giving advice to her sister, she slowly sat on the cold floor.

It's just horribly unfair, because she found out she still kind of love them, which is bad. Because they don't like her anymore. Why is the love so unfair?
And why is that girl so pretty? Does Raine love her? Are they dating? She kinda was looking at them like she wants them, not gonna lie?

And do they want her? Is she prettier then Eda? Should she ask them about her? Maybe?

"By the way, that girl you were talking about, she definitely isn't Raines type."

"And what is Raine type?"

Lilith actually didn't thought about it too long

"Probably ginger, golden eyes? Her name should be starting with E and ending on da, just my guess," she smiled at her sister "and don't sit on that cold floor, you'll be sick"

Eda reached out for her hand and quickly stood up.

"You're right, we should return to our friends, shouldn't we?"

Lilith casually nodded and they both step out of the restrooms

424 words

Yall im so happy I could write this because I got A+ from math so I am genius now.
Well my mom took my phone because of bad grades and so she gave it back to me because I successfully wrote the exam 😍😍

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