Chapter 13

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Night still haven't ended and yet almost every single person in their friend group, was drunk.

Not everyone

Raine, Eda and Lilith were still absolutely normal.

"Hey, Darius." Odalia turned to him and ask him "How does it feel to bang my husband?"

This will be horribly horrifying.

"Ex- husband Odalia, ex husband." He corrects her "and it feeelssss soooo gooood. Haha"

The trio burst out of laughter and punch each other. Just like little kids.

"This is gonna be a loong night." Lilith said. "Well, lemme use the restroom for a sec" and she ran away

These two past lovers ended up alone.

"So, Raine?" Eda's voice breaks the akward silence. "How...was your life?"

Raine quietly giggled to themselves.

Their life?

"Pretty good, I-I mean not from the beginning but- you know what I mean? I had hard times yea and- BUT NOO i am not depressed or hurt or anything just you know?"

She have no idea what you just said, Raine.

"Right..." Eda was still so sorry for the breakup, but she was an asshole and maybe if she wouldn't broke up with Raine, she wouldn't be...normal nowadays.

"Raine, you haven't changed at all" she laughs and looks down.

Oh shooooooot

Raine couldn't help themselves but they had to stare at her. Honestly, who wouldn't be?

"But you have changed. And how much." They continues with their conversation.

Eda know that. And is quiteee happy that Raine actually noticed.

"You think? Naah, still the same annoying me"

"Guys. Go find a room." Darius, already half asleep, opens one eye and yawns.



"You fuckin-" Eda already was about to when her sister came back.

"Edalyn, don't you dare curse. You know I hate it!" She carefully sits back to her sister and she rolles her eyes.

Raine and Eda had a small eye contact, but then awkwardly turned away.

What a great night...

Sorry this is too short 😱 yk my mom really took my phone and gave back to me just today :) soo this was a fast written thingy


350 words

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