Chapter 7

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Eda was panicking.
She doesn't know where her dress are!!!

"Ugh come on Edalyn! Cant you just wear the red dress?"

Liltg, who was already done, in beautiful long black dress, shouted at her

"Ugh, no Lilith? This is special occasion!!"
Here they are!
The dress she brought days ago!

"Is it special because-"


"Yea, of course not" she quietly giggled.
Of course she wanted to look beautiful because of that lime haired witch.

"Lilith? What takes Eda so long?" Luz came to the living room of their apartment all sleepy. She probably is gonna sleep when they FINALLY will leave.

"Well I don't know. You should ask her when SHE FINALLY WILL GET DOWN!!" Lilith shouted those last words to inform Eda that she could finally get down.

"I hope she...wha"

Luz gasped out of amazement and Lilith looked at the stairs where was...beautifully dressed Edalyn Clawthorne.

" If Raine wont ask you out, I definitely will." Luz spoke.

Lilith still couldn't stop staring at her. Who is that and what happened to her badass sister?

Eda laughed "Well my dear, thank you." She slowly raised her eyebrows when she noticed the look from her older sister. "What? Is it too much or-"

"Edalyn I haven't seen a prettier person with this dress"

Eda proudly smiled. "So? Are we comming?"

Before Luz could ask when they'll come home, Lilith walked out of the door, grabbing her car keys.
Eda followed her.

"Remember Luz, everyone will sleep when I'll come home, alright?"

"Yes yes, enjoy your night!"

"There's a soup in the fridge and-"

"Eda, I am not 4. I can feed my siblings okay?"

Eda didn't liked when her kids are growing up. They are too responsible!!

"Sure. Goodbye darling."

"Bye bye."

The doors closed.

Luz reach for her phone in her pocket.

It's ringing...


"Hi Amity!! You can come over, Eda is not home."

"Okay I'll be there in no time"

And she hang up.

The two Clawthorne sisters were in a silence.
Nobody didn't know what should they say or ask.

"Fuck Edalyn." Until know "We forget about Odalia Blight! We were supposed to pick her up!"

Well fuck

"Then turn around, no?"

"Oh right." What?

"Oh and how it is between her and Alamor? They divorced, right?"

"Alador. And yes they divorced. Odalia is taking care about the youngest and the twins are with Alador and.."
she stopped for a second. Wait, Alador already have another partner?


"And Darius"



"Yes and stop screaming Edalyn."





"You aren't joking, are you?" Thats just hard to believe that the two gays got together!

"Shut the fuck up. Here's Odalia and dont u dare ask her about-"

"Greetings, Clawthornes." Before Lilth could stop Eda asking anything weird, Odalia got to car.

Eda turned to her with shocked face and opened mouth.

"Is it true that-"

"Edalyn. Stop"

Eda slowly closed her mouth and turned back.
Odalia and Lilith started to talk but Eda ignored them. She was in her thoughts until they came to the restaurant.

539 words

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