Chapter 4.

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Raine were at their favorite restaurant, getting ready to perfomance, when Darius appeard. Raine were working in this restaurant as a singer in a band. You know, a job he liked and relaxed at.

They always loved music! Its their favourite thing to do. They've been working here since they...since they broke up with Eda.

"Hello, Raine. I wanna tell you something." Darius nervously started.

Raine thought

he's gay

Nonsense, they already knew about that.

"So, you, me, Blights and Clawthorne sisters will meet there. At 7 pm. Tomorrow "

"What why?" They have a perfomance tommorow! At 7!

"Well just a small meeting with people you were studying with, not a big deal." He seems to be really nervous about tomorrow.

Raine probably know why.

"Are you nervous because of Alador, Darius?"

As Darius heard the name Alador he immediately stopped walking in the room. "What? Im not!"

Yes he is.

"Yes you are."

The head of abomination coven looked really annoyed.
"Well guess who's gonna be there. You'll be much more nervous than I will!"



"But I have a performance tomorrow! I can't be at two places on the same time!"

"Go ask the owner or whatever."


" okay a second."

They walked to an empty hallway, reaching the first left door. Okay, knock knock and knock.

"Come in." A quiet mumbling was heard from the room. So they pushed the handle and came in.

The owner office was a small room with old wooden table and a big bookshelf's on the corners. Short, bald man was sitting on a chair, signing some papers. They looked up, to see who ruined they peace.

"Oh Raine, how can I help you?" He put the pen down as Raine sat on the free chair.

"So, I have something tomorrow and I have performance too, so if someone could make it instead of me so i wouldn't have to, sir."

He gave them a weird look.

"Well, Jonathan is sick, which means that you have to sing just couple songs before a new singer won't show up. Im sorry Raine, but after that youre free."


They will have to sing in front of their whole Hexside squad!! A total catastrophe !!

"Thank you anyway. Have a nice day"

"You too Raine."

and they rushed away. Second time

"So? What?" Darius was already sitting on the sofa, comfortably played with Raine's guitar. So they quickly grabbed it.

"I will have to sing a couple songs, but after that I am free." they grounded. Its gonna be super weird. They will sing in front of thier past lover.


Eda probably never heard them sing.
Oh my god, what now? They'll be more embarrassed then ever!!

"So, you'll sing a few songs, that and that and then you'll join us? Hm, so you're gonna sing in front of E-"

"Darius, don't you dare."

After the small conversation ended, Darius got himself home and left Raine all alone in the restaurant. Just with their thoughts.
Around 10pm, they were supposed to make customers go home and clean the whole place.

There was just one horribly drunk man and he didn't wanted to stand up.

"Sir, is pretty late, dont you think? Isnt your partner waiting for you?" They asked a gray haired man with beard

"Mom? Is that you?"

Oh man what happened to you?

Raine had to promise that alcoholic a bag of sweets. (They gave him one)

After all of the people were gone, they began to clean. It was so boring, bur then they got an idea. They got their bluetooth earphones on, blasting their music.

After they cleaned the whole place, their tiredness got worse, so they decided to sleep on the sofa in their 'living room'  or whatever that was. They relaxed on the sofa immediately drowning in the world of dreams.

646 words

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