Chapter 15

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Eda woke up feeling absolutely dizzy. Her head was spinning and tummy jumping and doing parkour.

"Hey, Eda." She heard a kind voice coming from the door. Someone entered and was standing in the door.

She slowly sat on the bed and looked who was interrupting her deep sleep. Not like she didn't wake up moments earlier but thats okay.

"What? Im okay don't worry" she mumbled falling to bed again.

"Well, I think I should leave you be" Luz turned around and closed the door

Eda then fell asleep...

~~~~~~~~~~ 1.30 pm ~~~~~~~~~~

Eda woke up again and felt a biit better. But really just a bit.
She rubbed her eyes and realised that is saturday and she doesnt have to go anywhere.



Hunter runs to her bedroom and falls on his knees.


"Just, a bit more quietly" okay, her headache is back even stronger

"Oh okay," he stands up "so, we are hungry and dont have money or anything to eat. So if you could maybe-"

"HUNTER!! I TOLD YOU TO LEAVE HER SLEEPING!!!!" Luz rushes to the bedroom screaming "oh hi Eda!" She smiles and stand up next to Hunter

"We need money, I will buy everything"

"No kids I am going just," she sat on her bed "just a few minutes, okay?"

After 30 minutes she got out of the house dressed like she was about to meet Rihanna.
Long sleeved brown suit with a black top under it, brown leather belt and black baggy jeans. She even got her 100 years old watch. She's thinking about the possibility of meeting someone

She entered the local supermarket and got her shopping list out of her purse.

"Okay so Luz wanted eggs Hunter wanted some cereal and King wanted sweets. I swear to god, I won't go to dentist with that kid" she talked to herself and headed to freezers part of the shop.

As she walks down the aisle, she sees someone pretty familiar...wait?

No way

Right in front of her, with the past love of her life, was standing the girl that was singing with them yesterday. What was her name..Pamela!

That bitch..

"Hi Eda!" She couldn't disappear because Raine saw her and went to see her leaveing Pamela alone

"Huh? Oh hi" she answers unbothered but we all know she is triggered by the fact that some random girl is shopping with Raine

"Is everything alright?" They ask


"Yea its just-"

"No, Pamela is just helping me with groceries and stuff. I am too...dizzy for that now"

Its interesting how they immediately knew what was with her

"Okay but-"

"Yes I am sure"

"But I don't-"

"I can see you care, Eda. Don't lie to me"


"Stop this"

"Stop what?" They grin at her

And then Eda noticed Pamela furiously looking away.

Haha, that's my...Raine

"How are you today? Dizzy?" They asks

"Yea. And I didn't even drank that much."  She smiles

(A/N: I literally have this chase Atlantic song in my head so its gonna be wild 😨)

"Its the fact that you are becoming the old lady"

Ayo what did Pamela done to the anxious poor Raine, and who is this?

"Hey Rainy!" Pamela screams and Raine annoyed rolls their eyes "We gotta go!"

"Agh. Sorry to leave you here like this but this...annoying person needs me. Adios, mi amor" and they casually walks away

Is this a fucking dream or did Raine really just said something to her in Spanish?

No, this isnt a dream

Eda being delulu :

Btw i am thinking about writing like 25 chapter and i wanna ask what kind of ending would you wanna read?

625 words

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