Chapter 14

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Yall before I continue, you should check out my new carulia oneshots!! Idk if there are some carmen sandiego fans but yes

Anyway, lets get back to writing!

"Wait, Raine!"

They were already walking home, alone late at night, when they hear someone screaming at them, and running towards them

Eda, who never ever never ran for someone, breathed heavily

"Theres something I need to tell you.."

They slowly turn around to their ex partner and brightly smiles

"I am listening"

She awkwardly brush her arm and looked at the ground. Her cheeks went slightly pink and she grabs their hand

Raine, already all red, just stands there with racing heartbeat

And they didn't even had to run.

"I-I still love you."


"Really? Eda, I feel the same way!!"

"Wait f-for real?"

They just nod and hugs her..

What a beautiful-

"Raine, RAINE"

They open their eyes to Darius aggressively shouting at them.

"Could you please stop making out with my leg? I know I am hot, but stop."

He was laying on the connected chairs hugging Darius with one hand and Odalia the other

And when he notices..

Raine are laying on Darius tight, next to... EWW

They quickly sit and rub their eyes

"What the-"

"Yea we kinda slept here? And you were hugging my tight the whole time. It was weird"

"No shit Darius, I didnt notice" they mumbled and looked around

Nobody was there just for Pamela stupidly smiling
When she noticed Raine, she walks to them and scratch their arm


Hell nah

"Have you slept well? I found this blanket and gave it to you when you fell asleep."

They noticed a brown blanket over their legs

"Yea thank you"

She smiled even more which is so scary and hugs them

If Eda would see this...

"I bet you were dreaming about me. You were smiling the whole time"

"Yea Raine, what kind of dreams do you have for gods sake?"

Darius asked while sitting

Pamela giggle and turn around to walk away. She got to the bar and still was smiling like an idiot

"Damn Raine," Darius furrows his eyebrows "that girl is reaally into you"

They turn to see him

"Really? I haven't noticed!"

"If Eda would know about that," he slowly whispers "not even a police dog would find her bones" he chuckles and stand up with Alador in arms

Well she would definitely yell at her...


DAMN FCKING 1,15K READS!??? Are you crazy?


428 words

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