Chapter 18

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Raines pov:

"I don't know." They keep refusing their girlfriend Pamela offer. She's saying, that they should cut Eda out of their life. For her.

Fuck Pamela


"Raine, come on," she begs "cut her off!! She doesn't deserve your patience!!"

"You forgot about the fact I love her. And I just like you. Don't forget that. Or we will have to forget about this relationship."

Pamela rolls her eyes and sit onto their lap.


Suddenly, the door slam open.


She walks in

"Raine I-" she stops as soon as she notice Pamela. Sitting on Raine.

"I- uhm," she has no idea what to say "You two are-"

"Yess!!" She is cut of by Pamela. That visibly piss her off. To make her angrier, she kiss Raine on the nose

"Pamela stop, can-" Raine begin

"Pamela. Get the fuck out."

"Nah, I won't listen to you?"

"HAVE you not heard me?" She raise her voice and Pamela just quickly stands up and ran.

Leaving these past lovers behind

"I do date her." Raine begans "But I love you"

Eda's POV

Eda was mentally ruined. Raine just told her that they're dating Pamela. But they even said, that they love her. They love Eda, but dates Pamela? What the..


"No Raine. How do you date her and love me? It doesn't make sense!!"

They're sitting in her office, where she entered with a question. She wanted to confess. Well Fuck

"Please just.."

"What if I tell u, I love you?" They're both surprised she has found her boldness and said that "what then, huh? Will you leave her?"

Raine just looks at their feet

"Im asking," Eda already knew where this is going "will you be able to leave her and be with me?"

No answer

"Fuck you then!! Forget I exist!"

And she rushed out of the office. Raine didn't even bothered to ran after her, how pathetic they are!!

They both knows.

They have knew since the start

But wish to never know.

Their story might end right here

345 words

The office [raeda] ✔️Where stories live. Discover now