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Third Person's POV

“Alright IZ*ONE, our goal is to look for that ledger. I have already sent you your coordinates and the blueprints of the building. Study them and you will head out in about an hour. Prepare all the things you will need to carry out this plan.” The third generation captain walked down the podium after he discussed the plan to the Vigilante Guardians.

They already started with their plan.They can finally remove the root of all the crimes of their town. They can now ensure that the innocent people won't have to die anymore. It was the only way to have a peaceful life. This plan is the only thing they got.

After a long preparation, they have finally decided to execute their plan. Their plan was to expose the Crimsons to the public. All their illegal doings, crimes, the members, the companies and their connections.

How will they do that, you may ask? Well, thanks to LOONA being the eyes and ears of the Guardians inside the Crimsons for the year that passed, LOONA was able to compile a list of all of the huge businesses that is connected to the Crimsons— their address, the families, the people behind those. After a year of gathering data, they finally got everything they need. They will infiltrate all of these properties to look for a ledger. According to LOONA, the Crimsons' loved to keep records of their transactions. It's all written inside a ledger. The ledger contains signatures of all the members of the Crimson Crew. The ledger alone can end the Crimson Crew without doubt.

Each groups were given missions. To infiltrate all of the establishments that are connected to the Crimsons and shut it down. The bigger business tycoons will be handled by the Vigilante Council— IZ*ONE, LOONA, Weeekly, aespa, ITZY, Stray Kids, TXT, (G)I-dle and Dreamcatcher.

They already shut down the small connections the Crimsons had. All that's left are the core of the Crimsons.

IZ*ONE were given the blueprint of Ahn Resorts and Casino. It is owned by Ahn Bohyun. This resort is one of the biggest gambling den in Asia. Business mens from all over the world, all the hotshots of the business world gathers here to satisfy their greedy egos.

This operation is one of the most crucial one because aside from the fact that they needed to shut this whole place down, they needed to look for the ledger that Haseul mentioned. They came to the conclusion that Bohyun keeps his records here because this place is close to his heart.

Kkura Unnie, send us a copy of the file the captain sent you. I'm gonna study the blueprint.” Hyewon nudges Sakura who was busy typing in her laptop. Sakura nods and instantly sends her friends a copy of the blueprint.

“Holy sh— These people waste billions a day in this casino?! Woah, that is freaking crazy!” Yena's eyes grew big. She was scanning the Casino's past transactions and when she saw the amounts written, it made her mouth agape. She couldn't believe that people would actually lose billions in just one night in this casino.

“The resort sounds oddly familiar or I'm tripping,” From the blueprint, their attentions were diverted to Nako. Chaewon took a deep breath, “It's owned by the Ahns that includes Ahn Yujin.”

“Wait, Yujinie owns that place?” Yuri asks this time. Chaewon shook her head signalling a no, “Nope, though the Ahn clan are known for their resort chains. Fortunately, this one is not handled by Ahn Yujin's family. This one in particular is owned by Ahn Bohyun or in the Crimson world, he is known as the Amaranth. The king of the reds.”

Somehow, hearing that comforted the girls a bit. It was nice to hear that Yujin is not involved in that dirty casino.

“Enough with that, let's strategize. We have 50 minutes left.” They all nodded at Eunbi.

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