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Jo Yuri's POV.

It's the next day since the four of us went out and we're now at the school's snack bar. We were bored mainly because our teacher didn't come to school today for some seminar or something like that. not really sure.

Our table was pretty chaotic and we were talking about random stuff. Until a girl— I didn't expect— approached me.

"Hey, Yuri. Yuri, right?" She said. Our table suddenly turned quiet. I nodded as a response.

"Can we talk?" She said. I nodded and stood up.

My friends looked at me and Minju looked away. Minju looked pissed but she stayed quiet.

I left our table and followed her to the school's field.

"What do you need, Chaewon-ssi?" I said as soon as we stopped walking.

"I'm gonna help you." She said.

Her eyes were so pretty despite it being expressionless.

"Help me with what?" I asked. I was still clueless about what she was talking about.

"The Woojin thing. I'd help you out." She said.

What Woojin thing? oh, that? HOLY FUCK, THAT? SHE'D HELP ME OUT???

"Really? Thanks, Chaewon-ssi!" I said and smiled at her widely. My instinct told me to hug her but I shrugged it off because her aura scares me. Jeez

"Let's talk about it further tomorrow." She said and left.

I stood there, dumbfounded, half confused about what just happened.

I stared as her figure slowly disappeared.

I went back to where my friends are and we went to our classroom.

The lesson went on and It was already time to go home.

"Hey. Let's go." Minju said, she was already wearing her backpack and was ready to go.

I was still fixing my stuff so they had to wait for me. I placed my textbooks inside my backpack.

"Alright, Let's go," I said and walked.

They were walking beside me.

"Go where?" Nako asked. "I have work today though." She said and pouted. "Guess you'll have to miss it. Don't worry shortie you can come next time." Minju said.

"Hitomi, you're coming with us right?" Minju asked Hitomi who was already facing the opposite direction. Minju had the 'oh no bitch you're coming with us' look and Hitomi just nodded in defeat.

"Have fun, hoes. I'll see you tomorrow. Oh, and Hiichan see you at home." Nako said and left. She was walking.

Hitomi just looked at Nako and smiled.

"Where are we going?" Hitomi faced us as soon as Nako was out of our sight.

"To Nako's workplace," Minju said and pulled both Hitomi and me by the wrist.

"What the fuck, Minju?" Hitomi said and laughed.

"I already told all of you last night that we're gonna visit her workplace," Minju said and continued to pull us to the Convenience Store.

"I actually thought you were joking about that," I said and just laughed the confusion away.

Third Person's POV.

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