Chapter 13: We need to talk

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(A/N: I... Uh.... Well, I had several ideas for this chapter... But in the end decided that I won't go into the smut... Yet. So here's the re-worked chapter 13! 0w0 The pic on the side is an edit of a cover I was experimenting with for this story,

Oh yeah, this is dedicated to AtomicAngel37, because you help me keep going-SharaRogers-Timea)

I run.

I don't even care about anything else going on around me. I just run.

My knees feel like they are ready to give out in any second, my lungs feel like they're going to collapse and my heart feels like it's going to beat out of my chest any second now... But I don't care. I push myself even harder. Through tears of pain I run even faster, sprint, as I turn into my, our street.

I try to be as silent as possible with my keys but with my red, blood rushed hands, shaky from all the adrenaline, it's quite hard to do so. But I get in, hopefully, without waking any neighbours. I stand in front of his door. Staring at the brown coloured number 4 just below the peeking hole. (I don't know what they call 'em! XD)

My make up is smudged, my hair needs fixing and I have just ran through my neighbourhood in a Super Sailor Moon cosplay costume... What will my neighbours think of me.... But its worth it... I know it is!

I knock on the door. No answer.

I knock again. No answer.

I knock once again but with slightly more force this time. No answer... Damn... I think we should leave him... We have enough troubles as it is... But I have to help him, at least try I- SHUT THE F**K UP YOU STUPID B**H! WASN'T I CLEAR BEFORE! HE'LL ONLY BRING TROUBLE! I hang my head down. Now, if you'd be a dear and make your way back into our flat, we might be able to forget that all of this happened...

"But I don't want to forget..." I mutter under my breath and notice that the door is slightly opened. It's not locked. I place my hand against it. What did I just say... Don't you listen? Well, not to you. And I push it in.

"Mark... Mark?" I walk into his living room. He might not have as many games as the Grumps but he definitely has a wider collection than me and I am a huge nerd...

I look around. Well, a generic living room... Let's go now before we get done for trespassing on a private property... The first thing that catches my eye is the shelves of games on my right, all fixed onto the wall. Then a big plasma screen in the middle of the room, on a stand with an Xbox One with a Kinect set up and everything. A PlayStation 4 as well. Several controllers' cables from several different consoles are tangled up in a knotty mess and thrown across the coffee table sitting in front of the TV followed by a black leather couch.

The rest of the flat is pretty much laid out as ours. I look over to the kitchen. Gosh what a mess... It's a miracle my OCD hasn't kicked in yet...

I go to the hallway with all of the different doors and I can hear Mark recording. He... He might not actually be recording... Are those... Sobs, I hear? God... I knock on the door where the sobs come from. They suddenly stop. I can hear him scrambling around for a bit then opening the door.

"How did you get in here?" He asks, surprised. Not even bothering to try to cover up the evidence of crying.

"Hello to you too..." I mutter. "The door was open..."

"Oh, so you decided to let yourself in!" He growls. "I could have you done for trespassing, you know..."

"Why so snarky sparky? Gosh! I have to talk to you... Can I?" He contemplates the question then nods, defeatedly.

We walk put to the living room, he makes me a cup of tea and settles down to the sofa with me.

"I... I need your help..."

(A/N: Ooooh.... Cliffhanger! Hope you're enjoying this! :3)

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