Chapter 4: Baby

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(A/N: Well, hello there! I enjoyed writing this a lot... Don't ask about the pic on the side... XD-SharaRogers-Timea)

"Hey, you guys ready to leave yet? If not the three of us will leave, you guys can stay, if you want to. I've gotta turn in now, otherwise I won't be able to wake up tomorrow!" Bob chuckles, as him, Wade and Jack stand up to leave.

"I'll go as well..." Tanya exclaims. "Timi knows I don't like to stay up too long and I'm not a nice morning person if I don't have enough sleep! See you Mark, smooches Timi dear!"

And with that the four of them leaves.

"Oh, Timi! I've wanted to give you something..." Mark rummages through the pocket of his jeans and pulls out yet another landyard. Gosh, I've see too many of those in one day! "Here we go! That's yours. " He hands it over to me. I look at him questioningly. "Read it!" He prompts me. So I read it.



"How did you find out my full name?" I ask suspiciously.

"You've said it in quite a few of your videos..." Mark chuckles.

"Oh... But this means that I can hang out with you guys tomorrow, right?" I ask excitedly.

"Yep!" Mark answers and I squeal form happiness

"Anyway, I've gotta get going... I've still gotta choose which one of my cosplay costumes I'll put on tomorrow." I grab my backpack from the side.

"Oh... Right... Wait! What way are you walking from here?" Mark asks as we step outside into the, slightly cooler but still warm, LA air.

"This way..." I indicate to the right.

"Oh, I've gotta walk that way as well!" Mark says in a 'as-a-matter-of-factly' voice.

"OK, well, we can walk together then, can't we?" I ask, frankly, a bit hopefuly.

"May I?" He asks as he offers his arm for me. I hesitate for a bit because what if one of his fangirls see us? But... I link arms with him. It feels so weird but sooooo good at the same time! "So... Since you know everything about me, how about you tell me about yourself?" He asks, looking me dead in the eye.

"About me? Heh... Why would you... I'm not THAT interesting..." I look at him and we make eye contact for a second.

"I would disagree with that but anyway.... If you don't find yourself that interesting then talk about your family, your background, where you come from."

"My family, eh? Well, my background is a lot more interesting than, well, me... (A/N: A brief history of the life of the Shara Rogers! Totally fictional, so that I won't give out too much of my life! XD)I was born in a tiny little village in Austria, called Gaal. My mum is Hungarian and my dad is American, well one third. I know... Why Austria? Don't ask because I don't know! I've spent most of my life there, not leaving the family nest that much. I have visited America a few times because my dad spent most of his time there after they have split up with my mum. I've also visited Hungary quite frequently, cause most of my relatives live there. But then my mum decided to move to England. We've spoke fluent English by then, I was 13 and my dad thought us both so we moved and 2 years after that came the dream of moving to America. That was nearly a year after I've started to watch your channel and a month after I have started my own. I've finished college and uni and collected the money I've needed and dragged Tanya alongside with me and now here we are! Nine years later I've had this dream for the fist time, it comes true..."

"You're cute..." Mark whispers and he makes me chuckle.

"Oh, about being cute," I pull my bag off of my back and start to rummage through it and pull out 2 plushies then link arms with Mark again. "I've made this adorable little thing for you..." I say as I hand a Tiny Box Tim plushie to him.

"He's special... He's hand-made by me. And, look at this!" I lift up the other plushie which is a Tiny Box Tina one, also hand made and touch the two little boxes' hands. "There are little magnets in them so it seems like they're holding hands. But only because they're already going out..." I chuckle.

"Are you suggesting somethin'?" Mark asks a bit suspiciously.

"Oh, here we are.... I live in there." I point towards a block of flats, where, I must point out, are only 4 flats.

"What? There? I live there as well!" Mark looks at me, wide eyed. I have a wide, ear-to-ear grin spreading across my face. "What number?" He asks.

"Number 2." I smile and walk up the short staircase in front of the front door.

"Number 4..." Mark smiles at me as he closes the front door behind him and we walk up to my door together.

"About tomorrow... Should we meet up here or at the Convention Centre?" I turn and look up to him. (Yes, he's taller than me... XD)

"I'll knock on your door at, let's say... 8? Is that alright with you?" He smiles with that cute little smile of his, weakening me in the knees.

"Y- Yeah... Should be alright..." I stutter. He then cups my face in his hands and places a kiss onto my forehead.

"Sweet dreams, baby..." He softly whispers into my ears then leaves to open the door to his flat and disappear, leaving me in bits, just staring at his door.

(A/N: Aw... What a cliff hanger! XD I  hope you're enjoying this! Please press the like button if you do so and leave comments of what you think!-SharaRogers-Timea :3)

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