Chapter 10: Pain

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(A/N: Hey! You look wonderful today! (Oh and by the way, the pic on the side is just a random pic that I have found on my phone XD))

Shara's POV

"Timi... Timi! Where are you?" I can hear a concerned voice getting closer and closer to me as I hear the doors of cubicals hitting against the hard wooden panels of the cubicals themselves. Then finally I feel a push against my back and then a slightly more forceful one...

"Well, you must be in there then..." She mutters as I feel a continuous push against my back, she's probably leaning against the door. This... Comment was probably just for herself... So I just decide to ignore it. "Timi..."

She stops for a moment, looking for the right words to say in this situation. "He didn't mean to do it you know... He was just... Surprised, he didn't know what to say..."

I say nothing just rest my forehead on my knees and hug my legs closer to me. "I know it's hard but... I'm sure he feels the same way about you. He just... Can't express it..."

I lift my head up and pull the sleeves of my jumper down, I had to put it on, it's getting a tad bit chilly out there, and wipe my eyes dry. Then I proceed to stand up.

With a shaky hand I reach for the lock on the cold, wooden door and twist it, then I proceed to pull the door open, just to see Tanya falling backwards into the cubical with a loud thump.

"I thought you were standing..." I chuckle. A fake chuckle, of course, however this incident did manage to bring a small smile onto my face.

I walk over to the sinks.

"Aren't you gonna help me up or something?" Tanya asks, laughing as she prompts herself up by one elbow and scratches the back of her head with the other.

"Meh..." I grab a paper towel from the side and then have a look in the mirror before me. Look at what a mess you are... Even with the contact lenses in, we can see your blood shot eyes... Your puffy cheeks just... Ugh... You make me want to throw up... "Shut up..." I mutter nearly silently, making sure Tanya doesn't hear.

I turn back to Tanya with a small smile tough... Trying to reassure her that I'm alright. You're not even 'ok', let alone 'alright'...

"Hey, come here you dummy..." I say to her as I stretch my hand out toward her. She grabs it and I pull her upright.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Later on... After Tanya and I have a little chat~~~~~~~~~~~

We walk back to our table just to find only Bob, Wade and Jack sitting there.

"Where's Mark?" Tanya asks.

"He 'needed some fresh air'" Wade uses air quotes.

"Actually, I'll go out and get some as well... I'll have clean my head out..." I mutter as I start to make my way over to the enternance. "Don't be too long!" I hear Tanya's concerned words.


"Stupid... Stupid! STUPID!" I smash a fist against the hard surface of the brick wall behind the Subway. I would smash my head but... I don't think my fans would like to see me get into hospital again... And frankly I'm not in the mood for a concussion.

You know... This is for the best. For both of us. Shut up! You know that's not true! What? You really think she meant what she said? Don't you remember what happened with Anabelle? Yeah, but Timi is different! You said the exact same thing when you were trying to get Anabelle, you prick! Don't you realize! You are too good to spend your time on bitches like Anabelle or Timi! They don't deserve to be with you! They just... Just play around! "How do you know? Do you know her?" I mutter aloud as I punch the wall one more time then finally scream out in pain and fall to my knees.

I just rest my form form head against the brick wall and look down onto my knuckles.

You know this place, you've been here before, several times... Loneliness... No one's good enough.. But her eyes... Her eyes showed us her inner demons... We don't want to get into that. But I want to help her... Help her in her fights against her demons... But you can't even fight against your demons, how do you think you'd be able to fight with her i-

"Mark? Mark!" I feel a hand on my shoulder. "Oh my God, you're bleeding..." She states in a panic soaked voice. "Wait... Here..." She takes her big, pink bow off of her dress, unties it and wraps it around my bleeding knuckle, then turns me around so that my back is against the wall and sits down next to me.

She turns to face me and looks into my eyes...

Wow... She really does need us...

Shara's POV

By the time I find Mark, he's sitting on the pavement beside a wall and his knuckles are bleeding.

I help him quickly, I tie my untied bow around his knuckles then sit down beside him.

I look into his eyes...

He's just another lost soul.. Just like us....

(A/N: Hello, everyone! A short upade again! This might be the only update this weekend cause I have lots of stuff going on so sorry about that... But I really hope you're liking this so far! If you do, please leave a like and leave comments of what I should improve on!-SharaRogers-Timea)

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