Chapter 20:My Breaking Point

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The cab that I've got into at the hospital, stops in front of my house.

I lift my head away from the window of the cab and ruffle my frindge up, my cried out eyes becoming more visible.

The cabbie just looks at me through the rear-view mirror and waves his hand in the air as I'm trying to give him money for the ride. "Please, miss... Don't. This one's on me!" He smiles at me with a pitiful look in his eyes.

I just weakly smile at him, grab my bag with my costume in it (I've got some clothes from the nice nurse) and leave the cab, rushing into the block and locking the door of Mark's flat behind me.

I throw the bag to the side and cover my face with my arms as I slowly slide down the door, silently sobbing while doing so.

Do you like the little surprise, bitch? You better like it because it took us a Hell of a lot tike to take that persistent man of your off of his feet...


Oh... Don't you like it? I like it... It's quite fun to watch you suffer, to be completely honest with you...

Fuck you.

Watch your language, bitch. You're only using that language to make yourself look tougher even though your world is crumbling on the inside...


I grab the all too familiar orange pill bottle from my handbag and I unscrew the lid of it but instead of grabbing two of the little red and white capsules I grab five, stuffing them down my throat without any water...

But the voice is still here...

Ha... You think that an overdose of three pills going to kill you? Why don't you die like a fucking man and cut your fucking veins and get it over with already!

I grab a fistfull of the little pills now spread all accross the floor and stuff them down as well.

I fall to the side as I feel myself getting dizzier and my vision is getting blurry.

"I'm sorry, Mark... I love you... But at least the voice is silent..." I mutter before my eyes close.

Bye, bitch! I hear before everything goes completely silent...

Mark's POV

I sit bolt upright in my bed. Nurses and a doctor are surrounding me.

"What... Where am I? WHERE'S SHARA?" I ask, frantically.

"She went home..." A nice nurse answers. "She's been sittting next to you for the past 2 days... She needed some rest." She smiles.

Another nurse rushes in and whispers something into the doctor's ear and showes a piece paper in his face. He looks over to me with sympathetic eyes.

Did it work? It fistpumps the air in my head. Great... Did I tell you how much I hate you yet?

Something is wrong though... I hope Shara's okay...

"Uhm... Sir?" The doctor clears his throat.

"Mark... Just Mark, please..." I say as I rase an arm full of IVs towards him.

I didn't even notice that before... I've heard the beeping but... Are these keeping me alive?

I look at the doctor shocked by all of the cables and tubes, he just looks at me with a mixture of sincerety, seriousness and pity written accross his face...

"Mark. Do you know a lady named 'Timea...' How... How do you pronounce this?" He asks from the nurses around him.

"Farkas." I say. Exactly as Timi would say it. "Timea Farkas..." I say her full name. "Yeah, I... I know her..." My words trail off as the doctor's face turns more serious and sympatheic.

"I'm afraid I have to bring you bad news... Miss Farkas is lying in the next room... She's... Unconsious." The man just stands there looking at me not knowing what is about go down inside me.

Everything comes crashing down. She's... She's unconsious? Are... are you kidding me?

It worked! It fistpumps the air again.

Fuck you.

"Can..." I clear my throat after my voice breaks slightly. "Can I see her? What happened?"

"I'm afraid you are not able to see her at the moment since her condition is still unstable. She has had an overdose of a type of antipsychotic medication." The man calmly finishes as he starts to leave the room.

"O-Ok... I understand..." Of course you won't leave it at that, will you? Of course I won't... 

Everyone leaves shortly after that. Only the very nice nurse stays in my room. She looks out the door and makes sure the doctor has turned down onto the next corridor, pulls the blinds down on the window in the door and on the windows on the side and then turns to me.

"Now... I know I shouldn't be doing this but... I saw real worry in your eyes when the doctor told you that something's wrong... So, I figure Timea must be of some importance to you-"

"She's my girlfriend! Of course I worry about her!" I cut into her words. "Sorry... I did nit mean that to be so harsh..."

She just smiles softly. "It's okay. I understand your worry! Anyway, I just so happened to know that these machines..." She points to the beeping screens with thin green lines zigg-zagging accross them. "Are not actually keeping you alive. They are just precautions and are simply for monitoring that everything is working fine..." She moves to my left and turns a switch on one of the screens, causing it's green line to disappear, leaving a blank screen behind.

"That being said... All you need is this one IV..." She points to a see through tube with a needle on one end, leading into the crook of my arm, and a bag full of a see through liquid on top of a metal hook.

She slowly disconnects me from all cables and tubes only leaving the IV in my left arm.

I then proceed to stand up, at first a bit unsteady on my feet but then straightening up as she smiles at me again.

"I'll take all the blame for this... Go on! Be there for your girlfriend..." She opens the door with a smile and let's me in to the other room where Timi was lying, peacefully sleeping...

The familiar beeping sound filling the quiet room.

"My Sleepig Beauty..." I mutter under my breath as I pull the hook behind me.

I sit down next to her bed as I grab one of her hands. "I just wish that the true love's kiss would be enough to wake you up..." I place a kiss on her hand.

"I... I can't lose you! Not like this..." I say with tears in my eyes. "Not like this..."

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