Chapter 21: Always

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(OK... It is currently... *checks time, rubs eyes in suprisement then checks time again not believing how late it is* 1:22 amand I was not planning on writing this but for some reason I get ideas at night and I can't write throughout the day... Anyway, this part is here with interesting twists and some... Things happening *wriggles eyebrows*~SharaRogers~Timea :3)

Hours have passed by now but I'm still sitting there, clutching Timi's hand and whishing she would wake up...

"Please..." I mutter. "Please, don't give up..." My raspy voice is breaking the silence in the room and bounces back from the walls. "I mean... I'm not giving up on you... And I won't ever, ever give up on you... You just mean too much to me and loosing you this way would be even worse to me because... I just feel like, I was the one who caused all this... And I'm sorry for hurting you even if I wasn't aware of the fact that I was..." I fight back my tears and start to sing softly...

"When I look into your eyes,
It's like watching the night sky.
Or a beautiful sunrise,
There's so much they hold..."

~~~Time skip cause I'm cruel >:D~~~

Shara's POV

I open my eyes and I find myself in a big white room with big blindingly white lights shining onto me... I try to sit up but feel that my right arm is held down by something. So I look to my right and find a peacefully sleeping Mark. Frankly, he looks like shit... His skin is pale, his hair is messy and there's and IV in his arm.

"God..." I whisper nearly silently.

I place a soft kiss on his forehead and he starts to move his head a bit. He soon rests his chin on his arm underneath his head and opens his eyes. Then reaches for his glasses on my bedside table and puts them on and smiles.

"Morning dear..." I mutter.

"It's actually 11 at night so... Yeah... You feeling any better, darlin'?" He says in a raspy voice from his recent slumber.

"Did they tell you what happened?" He slowly nods to say yes to my question. "Well... Yes, I am feeling a bit better since I see you're looking a bit better as well..." I smile at him, a small smile.

"We need an 'Okay'..." I mutter suddenly, breaking the silence.

"An 'Okay'?" Mark looks at me questioningly.

"Well, I've read 'The Fault in Our Stars' recently and there's this thing where they say 'Okay' to each other which means 'always' to them but only the two of them know what it means..." I explain and watch his features turn from confused to happy.

"Oh, right! Well..." He starts to ponder over it. "Hm... Cons?"

"I get where you're coming from but... It would just sound too weird..." I chuckle. Squeezing his hand a bit.

That's when the nice nurse walks in.

"Sorry to disturb you Mark and Timea but I thought I'd let you know that if you fill these papers out you guys will be able to leave tomorrow morning, as soon as you wake up!" She smiles, while holding a pile of papers in one of her arms.

"Yeah, okay, great!" Mark says as he stands up for the papers.

~~Yeah, yeah... Another time skip!~~

"Well... That took us a while..." Mark mutters ans he slowly makes his way to the empty bed on my right, pulling the little metal hook thing with him.

"What are you doing?" I ask ad he sits down onto the bed.

"I'd need to get some sleep." He says rubbing his right eyes sleepily.

"Come here..." I say as I move to the right of my bed and pet the left side of it.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 29, 2015 ⏰

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