Chapter 1: A Familiar Voice

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((A/N: Hey, as I said before, emotional roller coaster... INCOMING! Hope you'll enjoy it tough... Oh and there's a picture of me on the side...- SharaRogers-Timea :3) (P.S: This whole thing is set in LA and the characters are based off of real life people... Mostly...) (P.P.S.: Yes, I will be the main character.) (P.P.P.S.: I know that ComicCon is not in LA but it works better that it's in Los Angeles AND it's my story so I can do what I like! Srry! XD Oh and I have never actually been to LA or to ComicCon or to Pax or to any convention for that matter so I don't really know how things go... I'm just making stuff up as I go) (P.P.P.P.S.: This might be a bit fast paced... Cause it's all like, you know, like in fairy tales, this whole 'love at first sight' thingy... This is actually based off of one of the dreams I've had the other day, cause I've heard that most of my favourite YouYubers were at PaxEast. I know that YouTubers don't go to ComicCon that much))

Character names:

•Timea Farkas (Timi, Shara Rogers)- Me!! :3

•Tanya- Best friend who is not actually based off of anyone, she loves Chinese and Japanese stuff

YouTubers that will probably pop up in this story:

•Markiplier (Mark)

•jacksepticeye (Jack, oh and BTW he's not going out with anyone in this story)

•Bob (Muyskerm, yeah... Bob's not married either)

•Wade (LordMinion777, he's not going out with Molly either)

Nine years...

Nine years, we've been nursing this dream, putting that one more penny, one more pound into the piggy bank so that we can make it here. Los Angeles. Nine years, since I've first shared this wild dream of mine with my best friend, Tanya, and now we're finally here! Straight from our new apartment, just a few blocks away, starring up the shining glass surface of the Los Angeles Convention Centre. A big sign is hanging above the entrance, in which several hundred people is trying to get in at the same time, saying 'ComicCon 2016, LosAngeles' with the official Comic Con logo. (A/N: Shhhhhh! I know it's not 2016 yet! :3)

I just stare with my mouth agape, not believing in what I'm seeing with my eyes right now. I take my eyes off the sign, just for a second, to check on Tanya who is, not to my surprise, is really seems like has the same internal battle that I'm going through. All of my favourite YouTubers in one place... It flashes through my mind tying my stomach into a tight knot making me feel a bit nervous about this, all of a sudden.

"Uh, how do I look?" I turn to Tanya, as I finally have enough strength to tear my stare away from the big poster for longer than five seconds.

"You look great!" She exclaims grabbing me at my shoulders and holding me at arms' length.

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