2 • inej doesn't feel so good • 2

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inej didn't understand high school parties. she didn't see the point in gathering somewhere where she'd be surrounded by a bunch of sweaty, hormonal people her age. and better yet, she didn't understand why kaz had suggested they go to one, nor why jesper enjoyed it so much. she was only there because she assumed it was going to be a part of kaz's 'big master plan' - whatever that could be.

"come on, 'nej! this is gonna be great."

she sent jesper a pointed look before turning her gaze back out towards the street. they were waiting for kaz to show.

"what about this is going to be great?"

"the music, the people, the free food and drinks. it's not really something I'd do on my own, but you gotta be social once and a while, right? I'm sure this'll be good for you! you need to act more like a teenager, because if you ask me, you're..."

he trailed off in response to inej's unamused look that was accompanied by a raised eyebrow. he grinned in what she assumed was a tactic to lighten the mood, but before anything could continue a black car stopped a couple feet away from the driveway of the house and a certain man in black stepped out. inej straightened her stance once kaz began walking towards the door and became somewhat more confrontational. if he noticed he didn't say anything about it.

"why are we here? this isn't your scene, kaz."

"maybe I've grown a liking to typical teenage fun."

inej let out a humourless laugh.

"yeah, and maybe I've grown a second head. tell me why we're here."

kaz opened the front door and the trio was immediately hit with the great smell of booze and sweat. the sheer loudness of the music seemed to shake the walls and the only thing visible was a sea of people. jesper was quick to grin again, but both kaz and inej looked exhausted at the view. the three entered and their voices dropped in volume - not that it mattered as no one would hear them over the music.

"you'll find out later."

"stop," kaz paused his step and turned to face her, which surprised the dark haired girl. it was unlike him to actually take a second to hear someone out, but if she was shaken by the reaction she didn't let it show. "first you blow up at geels, then you allow yourself to almost be suspended, and now we're at a party? I want to know why."

the side of kaz's mouth quirked up in a slight smile.

"I'm here to see someone."

before inej could get in another question the other teen was gone and only her and jesper were left. however that only lasted another few seconds.

"well, hanging with you has been great, but I believe someone's calling my name, my dear inej." 

with a tip of his hat jesper disappeared into the crowd and it wasn't more than a minute before a sudden feeling of overwhelming stimulation hit her. the music and people and warmth of the building was gross, and saints be damned if she'd stay standing there for a minute longer.

with a huff of determination Inej stepped into the sea of bodies and searched for kaz, figuring tailing him would be the most beneficial. she was thankful to see that after a sweep of the room he exited the house through the back door and entered the backyard, where she followed.

it didn't take long for inej's sight to fix from the bright house to the dark night sky. she kept to the shadows of the fence and walked as silent as a mouse, but even still she could've sworn kaz turned his head towards her exact spot. he said nothing to her, instead changing direction to the house next door. when her eyes moved to where his stare laid she almost laughed out loud. the man in the yard next to where they were was geels. kaz had come to the party to speak to geels. why wasn't she surprised?

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